Chapter 89

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"Harry, how are we going to get out of here without the cameras knowing where we're going?" I asked suddenly worried about Lux's safety back.

"Already called Paul and security cleared out the front gate. There may be some papz following for a bit but it should be uneventful. Paul is waiting at the hotel and has the hotel security prepared as well as getting Lux's nanny packing everything and getting her ready for us. I have to admit, I can't wait to see her. She's grown up before my eyes. I can't believe she's already six years old."

"You're her godfather aren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'd do anything for that little princess" he said proudly.

"You are going to make a great father, Harry. You are simply beaming while you speak of her. I can't imagine how you're going to be when you have your own child in your arms." I said staring at him.

"I hope so. Mum was so amazing as a parent; allowing me to be free and do my own thing but still keeping my ego in check. I really did get grounded a lot you know." He said sheepishly.

"Ah, pussygate – I remember hearing about that." I said laughing hysterically.

"Aha, someone has been doing their homework because that was long before you ever knew we existed. How did you find out about that?" he queried.

"Chatty Man interview" I replied. "He is so funny to watch. I love British humor. He's got a great rapport with you guys. You could tell you were at ease with him even though you can also see in the earlier interviews you were watching the handlers."

"Oh God, we had to watch what we said and at that time we were still so young and innocent" he said.

"Innocent my ass! Who was the one who got grounded and why?" I reminded him.

"Okay, so maybe I wasn't as innocent as I was made out to be, but I was very young and liked the girls" he smirked at me. "I appreciated the girls even back then." He admitted.

"No doubt. I can't wait to hear the stories your mum will no doubt be telling."

"Uh, yeah – I'll need to have a discussion with her before we get home." He grumbled.

"Don't you dare, I want to hear all the stories." I said chiding him.

"Oh look, here we are." He said quickly changing the subject.

True to his word security had been tight and the few fans that were there were far enough away that even the flashes from cameras and phones weren't that intrusive. He drove into the parking of the hotel which was secure from the sidewalk meaning we wouldn't have to go out and be in public. We could actually use the elevator from the parking garage and get into the hotel.

Paul met us in the hotel lobby.

"Miss Em, how are you, love?" he asked as hugged me.

"I'm excellent, Paulie. How are you? Did you get to spend some quality time with the missus?" I asked.

"Yes I did. Thanks for asking. How was your Thanksgiving?"

"It was good but I really wish you would have joined us for dinner. You know you were invited."

"I know and it was appreciated but I really did want to get home. Thank you again though. Come on, you two. Let's get Lux and their luggage. I've got a bellhop getting the cart. We're going to need it the way Lou packs. That woman packs more crap than ever." He grumbled.

We got into the elevator and pressed the button for the floor they were staying. Once the elevator doors opened the squeal heard from Lux when she spotted Harry was ear piercing.

Love In The Friendly Skies. A Harry Styles Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now