32. Danive Livestream

Start from the beginning

After the next batch of questions, we did the 'how well do you know each other' challenge. 

"Okay, first one, when and where did we meet?" I asked as I looked up at my phone to see how he would answer the question. 

"We met in 2013 while we were filming the first Now You See Me movie," Dave replied as I nodded my head. 

"What's my favorite movie?" 

"That you've been in or that you've seen?"

"We could do both." 

"You liked being in the Maze Runner and your favorite movie that you've seen is Finding Nemo." 

"Good, good, what did we do for our first date?" 

"Wait, how is that a question? I thought this was how well we know each other." 

"Well this is the relationship one so might as well."

"Okay then. I took you to Central Park and we had a picnic together for our first date?" 

"No, that was actually our second date but nice try. Our first date was you taking me to watch a movie." 

"Ah, okay. Next question."

"What did I get you for your birthday that year?" 

"I think you got me a Michael Kors watch."

"Wrong, I got you a new wallet because your wallet ripped into pieces since you had it for a long time." 

"Then who got the Michael Kors watch?"

"I did, you gave it to me for my  birthday that year," I said as we continued the challenge. 

Once we were both done asking each other questions, Kat announced the winner of the challenge, which was Dave because he answered the most questions right, but that's only because I didn't want him to feel like I'd be winning all of the challenges and games today. 

When it was almost time for us to end the live stream, me and Dave prepared ourselves to tell the fans the truth about our relationship with each other now. I knew that Dave didn't really want to do it because he wasn't fully over me yet but I'm glad that he agreed to do it either way. 

"Okay, so the real reason why we did this live stream is not only to entertain all of our fans but we really want to say something that's really important to the point where we had to try to get everyone's attention for this," I started as I turned to Dave so he could continue.

"Don't listen to what the articles say. Listen to what we're going to say to you guys right now. No matter what the articles say after this live stream, do not listen to them because what they are saying and are going to say is not true. Sure me and Danielle did have a thing before but she's getting married for God's sake. I would never do anything to ruin that. I'm a little sad that I can't be the lucky guy, but no matter what, I wouldn't want to ruin the relationship she has with Matthew just because I want her back. I'm happy for her. She's gotten everything she always wanted. I couldn't ask for anything more than to see her happy," Dave said as Kat, Em, and Arden started sobbing behind the camera. 

"So, please don't listen to what everyone else says, what we say is true. Me and Dave did have a thing before but now we're just best friends. I know that I have a billion best friends, but there's nothing wrong with that. Nothing is going to stop me from marrying Matt and I hope everyone understands that. Please, don't cause anymore drama than there already is because that is the last thing we want right now. So thank you for watching and we'll see you guys again next time!" I said as Arden stopped the live stream and we cleaned everything up. 


A/N: Thank you for reading this! It'd mean a lot of you vote, comment, and even share this story! New updates at least 1-3 times every week so add this story to your libraries! x


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