Epilouge five: Hassani

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Y'all thought I was playing?

Age 17

"Hey dad." I mumbled as he walked through the door.

"Sup." He replied, walking into the kitchen.

He and I used to be so close when I was smaller, but now, he has Janice– and I'm surprised that they've stayed together that long.

Especially since she tried to con an imaginary baby on him.

Plus, I don't feel any of the love they share for each other.

I sound like a little girl.

"Hey, call Janice for me." He shouts from the kitchen.


"Tryna see if we can link up."

I called her and she answered on the third ring. "Hey Hassani." She said like she was sleeping, she probably was, it's like 11 am.

"Dad wanted to talk to you."


The next day, I was over Aunt Londyn's house, watching TV with Ana on my lap.

She was on her usual tangent on how she doesn't belong here. She's an alien.

Right now, that's how I feel. Over here her house is filled with people who love her, but what I have at home is wifi.

"Sanni, you ok?" I heard Aunty Londyn ask.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm good. Just... really interested in this show..." i stared at the cartoon characters on the screen.

"Love, that's Peg + Cat." She giggles.

I laughed slightly with her and Ana glared at her mom for taking her attention away.

Fish trotted in the room, still small as ever, catching Anastasia's attention. She hopped off of my lap and to the feline.

"Aunty..." I called out as Ana left the room.


"Uh, do you know anything about my mom?"

She turned around so quickly she knocked a glass cup off of the counter. "Oh shit." She started picking up the shards of glass and I follow suit, helping her.

Once the glass was cleaned up, she took my hand and sat me at the island counter.

"Of course I know about your mother, but... what brought her up..."

I shrugged. "With dad being with Janice all the time and me not really having anything to do, I just... got curious."

She sighed and ruffled her hair. "Well, what do you want to know?"

"Like... what was she like?"

She smiled. "She was... very outgoing and happy. She would always drag me and our friend to crazy places to do stupid shit."

I twisted the tips of my dreads, thinking about her. "She was always there if you needed to talk... she was my best friend."

I sighed. "Is she really... uh dead?"

She nodded. "Sadly, she is. But as much as it pains me to say it, she dug her own grave."

"Well, what happened to her?"

She froze.

After a moment of silence, she took my hand and started playing with my fingers. "What happened to her... is not my place to say, if Zac wants you to know, ask him. In the meantime, any other questions."

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