Chapter 7

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How much keef could a chief keef,  keef, if a chief keef could chief keef?

Try saying that 5 times fast. 😏

10 comments and 15 votes for the next chapter.🙃


"Why you ain't say shit when you got this?!" I barked at Londyn. She mumbled something that I couldn't hear and lemme tell you something I cant stand a nigga that mumbles. "Cut that mumblin shit and speak up!" I shout and she jumps.

"You were at work... a-and I didn't want you to worry-" she started and her eyes glasses over with tears. "Londyn don't cry." I reached over and pulled her into a hug and I rubbed her back as she sniffled in my chest.

"Feeling better now?" I ask. She nods and looks up at me. "See something you like, love?" I ask. She reaches up slowly and grips my chin hair tugging it a bit. The hell...

"It's so weird." She says in a whisper.

"Nah baybeh, you weird." I kiss her forehead. "Can you lie down with me today? Alllll day?" She lies back. I nod my head and pick up the letter and pictures placing them on the nightstand.

Tomorrow, I planned on talking to Jace bout borrowing some of the boys to figure this shit out. We laid down and she was now twisting my curls between her fingers.

"Hey baby, can I try something?" She asks.



"I wanna see you with cornrows."

"Is dat right?" He tugged on his chin hair. "Mhm." He shrugged and I told him to get the hair stuff. He came back and sat on the floor while I sat on the edge of the bed.

"You have a lot of hair." I say. "So do you." He replies smartly. I started combing through his hair and he starts whining.

"Baybeh, you almost done?" he asks. "Aug, I haven't even started braiding." I chuckle. I put a bit of the hair oil on the back of my hand and start oiling his scalp and wiping the rest of it in his hair. I part his hair down the middle. I start his first cornrow when he starts whining.

"Damn bae! Why you so rough!" he starts pulling away. Aww my baby tender headed. "It's not that tight. Calm down." I say and continue braiding while he whines.

30 minutes later, I'm finished with them. "Lemme see." He got up before I could even see the braids. He runs into the bathroom and turns on the light. "Hell naw, take em out!" He sat back in front of me. "Got me looking like Ray Ray from that lah pop band. I ain't look like August no more. I look like September. Nigga." He rants as I start pulling out the braids.

"Baybeh girl, don't let ya mama do ya hair. Come to me." He kissed my stomach when I was finished pulling out the braids. "You so mean. And I can do hair. You just ugly nigga." I stuck my tongue out at him. "But you love this ugly nigga."

"Whatever." I push his head away from my stomach, but he pulls me by my thighs closer to him and starts kissing on my thighs. "A-august no." I whisper. "Please, just let me put the tip in." he swiped his finger on my panty clad clit.

"August I'm serious. No."

He finally gives up and flops on the bed. "Bae you no fun. We get the WHOLE day in bed and you don't wanna do the nasty." He sighs into the pillow. "I'm sorry. I just don't feel like it right now. Maybe later." I giggle as he rises up and kisses my lips hungrily.

"You know what you taste like?" He asks.

I shook my head. "Well if you let me taste-"

"August no."

"It's September now. You made me look so ugly." He says and fake cries. "It won't that bad." I say quietly. "You hungry baybeh mama?"

"Yass." I say and sit up. "Stay here. I'a be back." He says. He jumped out of the bed and walked into the hall screaming the lyrics to, come get her. I laid back on the bed and sighed.  I would have let him put the tip in, but 1. To Aug, tip is the whole thing, and 2. I don't want him to be disgusted at my body. I know I'm pregnant and I should feel beautiful, but to be honest, if you look in the mirror, you're not gonna feel beautiful.

When I was in middle school I was a bit of a skinny girl and I was made fun of for it, so it made me self-conscious about it and so I went to my grandma house and put myself in a food coma trying to eat as much as I can, trying to put on weight. I woke up and I only gained half a pound.

Either way, I am just weak towards judgement.

My phone dinged and I reached over to grab it while rubbing on my belly. "Hello?" I answer. No one answered so I just hung up. "Baybeh, I'm finished." Aug walks in with two plates of food and I smiled then frowned. "Someone called me, but no one answered when I said hello." I said.

He growls and places the food on the night stand grabbing his oily hair in frustration. "Baybeh, I don't think I can wait till tomorrow to figure this out. I gotta call someone." He says. "I poke my bottom lip out in a pout and he pulls me into a kiss. "Stop, poutin. We can do our all day in bed another day."

I nod and eat silently as he pulls out his phone and starts dialing numbers. "Aye Jace, Ima need you to bring some of the tech boys up hea."


"Yea we good, just need to figure something out."


"Ight, see ya in a few."

He sat beside me and picked up his toast. "Want this?" he smirks. I nod. "Give daddy a kiss den." He says and rubs my thigh. "Just a kiss?' I ask. "Baybeh, lemme talk to ya?" he pulls me on his lap. "Y-yes?"

"Lately you been givin Mr. Classy the silent treatment, what's wrong?" he asks as he kisses on my neck. "I-I"

"No stuttering or mumblin, tell me the truth."

I opened my mouth to reply but then again, I don't want August to feel like he'll be on a leash due to my insecurities. "Baby, I'm seriously fine. Just not in the mood." I say in a small moan as he latches onto my neck leaving hickeys all over my neck.

The doorbell rung and he placed me back on the bed. He got up and made his way downstairs.


I jogged down the steps and opened the front do' and Jace and a couple of the crew is was here. "Wassup?" he asks. "Nothing much, yall setup in the living room."  I say. The guys bring in computers and a whole lot of shit.

When they was setup I handed them the pictures and letter to see if they could analyze something offa it. Then I remembered what Londyn said earlier. "Aye! Lon! Come downstairs and bring yo phone!"

I waited a while when she came down in a pink sun dress with her hair in a messy bun. "Here, hello everyone." She says. They reply with hey's and then get back to work. That's probably the best thing about Jace trap workers. The respectful and always do they work.

I took Lon's phone and unlocked it cause she didn't have a password on it. Ain't no secret round here. Plus she made me take off my password. I ont mind tho. "So how comes they have to work here and not-"

"Cause the police stay tryna hack into our database and get some shit outta it." One of the workers say. Her mouth forms an 'O' as she's satisfied with her answer.

About an hour later someone was banging on the door. I sighed and went to the door to answer it but no one was there except a small folded paper. I picked it up and read the big bolded letters.


I looked around and saw about six black cars parked across the street from my house and the windows rolled down. Gun barrels were pointed at me and the familiar sounds of bullets being fired filled my ears.


Happy Thanksgiving!!

You wanna know what I'm thankful for?

1. My phone
2. Food
3. August (duhh)

This is a filler chapter soo yea. I gotta go walk my goldfish now. 🐠

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