Chapter 4

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Last chapter I did a really big time skip and that won't happen again. I just did that because the first 4 months scared me when my mom was pregnant.

It's also the most emotional part as well.


"Damn Lon. You fat." Zac says. I gasp and my lip starts to tremble. "Boy what's wrong with you?!" Mama Sheila smacked him with her spoon. "I'm playing with you Lon." He says.

We were all gathering at Mama Sheila's for dinner. After meeting Ms.Sheila she  keeps telling me to call her mama Sheila, or mama. Im glad I have a mother figure during this because any time I contact my parents, my dad will pick up and we'll talk but it's the other way around for my mother.

August went to pick up Jay because her car broke down. "Baee!" Jay ran in. "Yeah sexy?" Zac smirks.

"You wish. Hey Mama Sheila, Londyn." She places a kiss on my cheek and Aug walks in. "You gone stop kissing my girl Jay." He pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

"Aww! Yall so cute!" Jay coos. Aug pulled away from the kiss and kissed my stomach.

"Hey baybeh, mama needs some more crawfish." Mama says and pats August. "Come with me baybeh." He pulls me out of the chair. "Get some exercise too." He says and smiles at me.

"So now I need exercise cause I'm fat?" I stared him down. "Londyn, don't start. Get in the car." He orders. I nod my head and clench my thighs together at his demanding tone.

The ride to the international grocery store was filled with me telling Aug about all my weird cravings. "Mangos and hot sauce? Girl that's nasty." He laughs rolling his neck causing me to laugh.

"Leave me alone." As we pull up to the store he finds somewhere to park. We got out and walked inside. The smell of fish hit me hard and I groaned. "You ok baybeh?"

I nod my head and feel someone burning holes into the back of my head.  I saw a light skin girl looking at me then she smiled and made her way towards me.

She hugged me tight and I got confused so I pat her back twice and pulled away to see who it was. "Vinnie!" I exclaimed and she pulled me into another hug. Vinnie, Jay, and I were best friends since middle school.

After high school, Vinnie went to become a boxer, and me and Jay went to college. "Omg! Your pregnant!" She laughs and rubs my stomach. She paused a minute a look of sadness washed over her face.

"Vinnie? You alright?"

She quickly covers her sadness. "I missed my bff getting knocked up!" She shouts causing people to look at us. "Does y'all gotta problem?!" She shouts.

The people return to what their doing and I giggle at her. Vinnie stood over me and Jay at least a foot, and acted like she was out bigger sister. She, like Jay, was also bisexual, yet again didn't see me like that.

"Bae! You ready?" I heard August coming with two bags. "That's yo baby daddy?" She inspects Aug with a glare. "Yeah." I whisper. "Gimme a second."

She walks over to Aug and starts grilling him with questions you'd get if you asked your mama could you go over your friends house.

After she finished, she smiled at him. "He's ok in my book. Here's my number. We have to catch up sometime. Me you and Jay." She types her number in my phone as Vinnie the pooh🐻 and I typed in Londyn look💄💋

She kissed my cheek and patted Aug on the back then walked off. "Let's go baybeh. I'm hungry." He says. "You're always hungry, yet you're so skinny. Where does the food go?" I ask.

"My dick." He smirks. "Oh my gawd." I giggle and get into the car and he straps in then pulls off. We got back to Mama's house and she started on dinner.

After she was finished, everyone but me had crawfish with shrimp jambalaya, and I had chicken, collard greens, a biscuit and string beans. Ya know, cause I'm pregnant.


I walked into the café with my hair in a ponytail, sunglasses and blue and white Mets baseball cap. I sat at a table and ordered a small black coffee. I stared at my palms as I waited for this person to walk in. 30 minutes later they still haven't arrived and I've already had 3 cups of coffee. My last resort was to get a bagel and leave.

My bagel came, and as I stood up a girl shorter than me pushed me back into the booth and sat across from me.  "You here for the meeting?" She asks. Her face was covered with extremely large glasses, purple lipstick and a big sun hat.

"You called me?" I ask. "Does it look like I have time to be calling people I don't know?" she growls. The waitress walks back over and hands me a notebook that says open. "It's from the gentleman over.... Huh, he left..." she stared at the front. She shrugged and walked off. I opened the book.

'??? And ???
If you're reading this right now, you obviously came to that shitty café. I want to strike a deal. ??? I know you can't have children, and ??? I know you're so thirsty for a man that you picked up that homeless guy and kept over your house for a couple of days.

I saw it all.

There's a girl, I really want, but she's with child and I refuse to take care of another man's child. ???, you could have the child, and ??? You could have her man. Only if you meet me at this address in 30 minutes of receiving this letter. If not better watch you're backs. But later in the plan you'll start to love it


I read the note and wanted to cry. There's been some jack ass stalking me and the girl across from me. I looked up at her and she was smirking like she won the lottery. "Gonna do it?" she asks. I shook my head. "Mph, oh well, hopefully this guy isn't brutal and kills this baby-"

"I change my mind!" I say quickly. The thought of an innocent child dying, clenched my heart and didn't loosen a bit.

"Let's go then." She pulled my arm up and I walked with her to the front door without paying and we got into our cars driving to the address.


"CHRIST AUGUST!" Londyn yelled as she came down from her high. After dinner at Mama's she was talking about me being skinny so we came home and I showed her where the food went. "Another round?" I asked. "Aug! That was round 8 we just finished!" she said out of breath. I laughed and pulled out. "Think of any names yet?" I ask.

I looked down and she was already asleep. I kissed her forehead then kissed her stomach and laid on it.

"Hey daddy's princess. It's ya daddy here. Sorry if I scared you with what me and mommy were just doing." I said. I felt something poke my head and I lifted my head and saw that the baby was kicking. "Girl, you kicking ya daddy?" I chuckled then the kicks came faster and it seemed harder as well.

Londyn moaned and woke up whining. "Look baybeh, the baybeh is kicking." I said and the baybeh kicked more. "OMG AUG! Stop talking to her! It hurts!" she screamed at me.

I laughed and rubbed her belly, soon the kicks ceased and Londyn fell asleep again.


Chapters from here on out will be a bit longer so that means it'll take a little more time to update.

Soo yeah thanks for reading I hope u liked this chapter

Panda out🐼✌🏼️

Sperm Donor (August Alsina) [Watty's 2016]Where stories live. Discover now