Chapter 5

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I wanna know... how cones you like this book so much? It's weird. But I love the support. Thanks guys!


I felt a small tap on my stomach and I opened my eyes to see Londyn snuggled into my chest, asleep. I looked at her stomach and chuckled as I saw the small frequent bulges. "Lah girl, if you don't stop kicking yo daddy." I whisper.

I rubbed her stomach and lah munchkin kept kicking me. I scooted down and kissed on Londyn's stomach and started singing a slow lullaby

Sleep, my child, and peace attend thee,

All through the night

Guardian angels God will send thee,

All through the night

Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,

Hill and dale in slumber sleeping

I my loved ones' watch am keeping,

All through the night

Angels watching, e'er around thee,

All through the night-

"August baby? What are you singing?" I hear Londyn's voice. "Singing my baybeh to sleep." I kissed her stomach again. "Can you keep singing? Your voice is pretty..." She mumbles and slowly flutters back ta sleep as I sung.

About an hour later, I felt my eyes drooping so I laid my head beside her stomach and rubbed it until I fell asleep.


I woke up and August wasn't in bed. I whimpered. I slowly slip myself off the bed and walked to the bathroom. It felt good as hell to not wake up with your mouth sweating to puke. I brushed my teeth and used the toilet, then turned on the water for the water to get warm.

While I waited I took of Aug's shirt then looked at myself in the mirror and frowned. I barely recognized myself. My stomach was huge, my boobs were bigger and swollen. I had stretch marks running from my hips. My face was a bit oilier, my nose was the same and my ankles stay swollen.

Ew. I felt tears well in my eyes and I cried a bit. I wasn't my usual pretty self. I was fat, always hungry and tired. I stopped crying when the glass fogged up making me notice a piece of paper taped to the top of the mirror.

I stood on my tip toes and tried to reach in. My fingers barely grazed the paper. I growled and grabbed my tweezers standing on my toes again and clamping the paper and snatching it down.

On the square paper there was a heart in the middle with the words open me on it. I started reading it.

"Hey beautiful" yeah right. "Daddy Aug's going on a little business trip, I'll be back later tonight. I want both of my baybehs to be safe na. Breakfast is on the counta.

A nigga named Aug♥️"

I smiled a bit and put the note on the counter then got in the shower. After my shower I found some cocoa butter and rubbed it over my body. I did the same with the baby oil. I but on a black bra and black panties then found a blue sleeveless turtleneck dress and I found some shorts to put under it.

I brushed my hair into a ponytail and then looked for my reading glasses. I was gonna pay some bills and check on my stores sales charts. I own my own boutique, a nike store, and a footlocker. All I have to do is sit on my ass in the money comes rolling in.

Once  I found them I slowly crept down the stairs, not tryna be one of the 'help I've fallen and can't get up' people.

I went into the kitchen and sure enough there was a plate of grits, bacon, toast and sliced fruit on a plate for me. I ate quietly looking around the house until I finished. I grabbed my slides and walked out to the mailbox to retrieve the mail.

Sperm Donor (August Alsina) [Watty's 2016]Where stories live. Discover now