Chapter 19

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*Hits blunt*

If apple made a car... 🚗

Would it have windows?🖼

There's a pretty long flashback today.

150 votes and 69 comments for the next chapter.🙃


The boy hooked his computer to the router and got to work. Vinnie's phone was blowing up and she looked so aggravated.

She put it on silent and placed it back on the table. "Find anything yet?" She would ask every 5 minutes. This has become routine now. We'd tell her no, then she'd stand up and pace for another 3 minutes before sitting down and asking the question.

"Hey, how comes you're so nervous?" Zac asks and rubs her back and she sighs shakily.

"Londyn was my first friend."

"How'd you meet?" I ask.


* flashback* (Hooooooly damn. Italics)


"Hurry up and get out my car." Vinnie's mom stopped the car in front of the giant brick walled school, which would now be Vinnie's new school.

Vinnie unbuckled her seat belt and grabbed her bag, exiting the car. The minute the door closed, her mom wasted no time burning rubber leaving her there.

Vinnie being Vinnie, she overslept and missed the bus. Her mom didn't bother waking her, she's neglected Vinnie since she came out.

Walking into the school, Vinnie went into the office to get her schedule.

"How can I help you?" The pink haired secretary smiled sitting at the desk.

"I'm here to get my schedule." She mumbled, pulling the sleeves of her 2 sizes too big jacket over her palms. Just how she liked it. Plus it covered the bruises her mom left over.

"I'll call someone to escort you to your classes. You have a schedule that matches one of our students." The cotton candy wannabe cheered and picked up the phone.

No less than 5 minutes later, the office door walked in and a short girl with shoulder length black hair and greeted Vinnie.

"Londyn this is Vinnie Perez and I'm asking if you could escort her around today since you have matching periods."

Londyn nodded and smiled at Vinnie.

"H-hi." Vinnie mumbled.

Londyn gave her a hug. "Welcome to our school."

She lead Vinnie to the first bell of the day and when she walked in behind Londyn, the whole class looked towards her.

"Everybody say hi to Vinnie. She's new here." Londyn said and the class murmured hellos.

"Speak up." Londyn growled and the class erupted into a large, "HELLO VINNIE"

Londyn pulled her along to the back, with a cute brown skinned girl a little taller than Londyn. "Hey Jay." Londyn whispered causing the girl to look up from her concealed phone.

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