Chapter 13

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If I have pissed you off this year......

I'm sorry.

If not, please, take a number, have a seat, and I'll be with you shortly.


Invites in the mm

70 votes and 45 comments for the next chapter. Important Author's note at the end of the chapter.


I watched Lon pick out multiple party favors from the party planner. Just last night, she told me she loved me while she nearly asleep. And what bothers me the most, is that she continues life like she didn't say it.

"Aug, did you hear me?" She asks.

"Hmm?" I look at her short figure as she holds up two papers with designs. "I asked, which one for the invitation?"

I chose the elephant one, because monkeys... ehh...

We stayed for another hour and Lon payed, cause she did it while I wasn't paying attention. "I win this time, Aug... August?" She mumbles and pulls on my sleeve.

"Yeah, baybeh. Good job." I mumble.

We got into the car and she was quiet. "August? What's wrong? Did I do something?" she asked. I shook my head and concentrated on the road ahead of me. In my peripheral vision, I saw Lon folding her hands, and staring hard at her lap. Then we pulled up to a stop light

"Hold your head up Princess," I lifted her chin and turned her face to me. "You crown is falling." I said and she smiled.

We got home and Lon stayed in my office, typing up the invitations, while I drunk my ciroc thinkng. "Babe I finshed them!" she shouted and I jogged up the stairs, passing the baby room, with a small smile on my face, I entered the office.

"Wassam, baybeh?"

She shook her hand wildly, to tell me to come here. I walked behind her and looked at the screen.

The invites looked beautiful, and I saw the adoration for it in her eyes. "I'm going to put my number on the back, so when they RSVP, I'll text them the address." She says.

"Who you wanna invite?" I ask. She rubs her hands together and thinks before she starts speaking.

"Zac, Vinnie, Jay, Rema, the managers and assistant managers of my stores, mama Sheila, your nieces, and whoever else you want." She says.

"Damn, baybeh. You got it figured out. Ima invite Jace, Trav, Chandra and Diggy." I say.

She clicked the print button, and printed 17 invites. The girls invites, just so they didn't feel left out. We aint want no big stuff.

My mind wandered back to last night and Londyn called me again. "August! What is wrong with you? You've been doing this all day! What's wrong?" She jabs me in the chest.

"YOU DAMNIT!!!!" I shout.

She pauses and stares at me with tears in her eyes. "M-me? Did I do something?" I sigh and rub my hands down my face. I'm a fuck up sometimes, man. "If I'm bothering you with the baby show-"

Sperm Donor (August Alsina) [Watty's 2016]Where stories live. Discover now