Chapter 32

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The roof is not my son... but I will raise it.

Hassani in the mm

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I collapsed onto the bed, after my shower, sighing loudly into the pillow.

Every time things start going well, something comes and goes 'Ahh nigga you thought!'

I looked over at the night stand and opened the draw. The black velvet box caught my eye and I grabbed it, quickly opening it.

Observing the 18 karat sterling silver diamond ring I bought last month and sighed.

Would proposing even be necessary? I mean we already have kids together...

Shut the fuck up nigga, you just nervous.

I groaned and flung my pillow over my head. The annoying fuck in my head is right.

I feel like it'd be selfish to propose in the middle of things right now. Locking the box, I placed it back in the draw and locked it.

The pitter patter of little feet snapped my attention to the door when I saw Leilani run in. "Daddy! Ant talked!"


Taking Ant from Londyn, I walked back up to our room with Lon following behind.

I placed him on the bed and Lon locked the door. "Anthony, you wanna tell mommy and daddy why you weren't talking?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Why not?"

"Cause you're going to be mad at me..." He whispered.

Londyn sat beside him on the bed and hugged him to her chest. "Mommy wont be mad... but if you don't tell us, it'll make me sad." She said in a hushed voice.

"Ok..." he said as I sat by them on the bed.

"I'm scared." He said.

"Of what?" I asked.

"The Ama thing." He said.

"The asthma?" Londyn asked.

He nodded. "When I tried to talk when we  came from the doctors, I tried calling for you, but my chest started hurting and I thought it was gonna happen again..." He said, suddenly crying.

"Baby don't cry!" Londyn hugged him.

"Why did you think we'd be mad, Ant?" I asked.

"Cause it was stupid..."

"Don't say that. If you ever hurt, or if anyone ever does anything to you, you tell me and mommy, got it?" I said, wiping his face off.

"Ok... are you mad at me daddy?"

"What for?" I asked.

"Making mommy cry."

I laughed and Londyn kissed his forehead. "Nah son, just don't scare us like that again. You wanna tell us anything else?" I ask.

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