Epilouge seven: Fish

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Fish in the mm


Eyeing the young human before me, I sat back on my hind legs as she filled my bowl with food.

"Hurry up fish. Eat so we can play." She said.

I waited for her to leave before I stalked over to the bowl.

Sniffing the food I shoveled a bit in my mouth and chewed it.

Another human walked in, flipping her ugly colored hair. It looked like the clothes when the main female bleached the black clothes.

"Hey fish." She mumbled.

I remember when she was smaller; and tolerable. She had a bag and dropped it by the bowl.

I scratched the surface of it and the bag tore a bit. I crawled into the large opening and landed on something soft.

"Get outta there." She said, pulling the bag down and revealing a circle thing.

"The fuck is that?" I asked, but obviously it came out as what these humans call a "meow"

I don't blame em. Their too foolish to understand such advanced language as the 'cat'

"Well, I got you a new bed since you tore up the old..."

I started walking away from her because of her ramblings. She does this a lot.

Making my way into the general room, I saw the one they refer to as Ant, which puzzles me so, sitting upon the couch

I speak with many ants on a weekly basis: and that is no ant.

I hopped into his lap and tried to find the resemblance of ants in his face. He scratched his nose and looked down.

"Hey." He scratched behind my ear and as much as I hate to admit it, I liked it.

I laid down fully and he continued to scratch my back.

After some years here, I've noticed something...

These humans feed me, shelter me, and love me...

I must be a god!


I heard jingling of keys in a door and I trotted over to the door, to see the oldest female walk through the door while struggling with papers in her hands.

"You're late, slave." I said.

She used her foot to rub under my chin before dashing off to the kitchen.

I was right!

I'm going to take my throne now.

From the alpha male.


I made my way up the steps to the lair only the alpha male and his woman were allowed in.

The door was a jarred and I slipped in, hopping on the the bed.

He was a asleep with an arm slung over his eyes. It'd be cowardly for me to attack him while he's asleep.

"Wake up, human." I said.

His arm shifted and he opened an eye. "Fish. Get. Off. My. Bed." He said.

"No. Fight me. Prove your worth! Once I claim your throne, I shall take the female you call alien as my queen!" I retorted. I may be a menace but I'll never take a man's woman.

He growled, grabbing a pillow.

I felt my body fly off of the bed with a force to be reckoned with.

The fight has begun.

I sprinted back onto the bad and extracted my claws, sending them down in a quick motion onto his jaw line.

It seemed as time stopped as he sat from his lying position. "I've dealt with your shit for too long now." He mumbled, reaching into the drawer and pulling out what seemed to be what humans, referred to as guns.

Unlocking it, he fired once and I dodged, zooming out of the room.

Tis not time to claim my throne!

I thought as I darted past humans as the alpha chased me.

"DAD! Don't shoot the cat!"


Please read next chapter on information on the sequel.

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