5. Put Away Your Fearful Worries

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Casey was shaking as he tried to unlock the apartment door.

I put my hand on his shoulder as his breathing had also picked up, "Casey, its gonna be ok."

"Someone is out there trying to find you. They want you dead." He kept his eyes on the doorknob.

"Just open the door before one of your neighbors come home and finds us."

The door was finally pushed open as Casey remained in the hallway for a moment longer as I went past him into the place.

Casey pushed the door shut as I leaned up against his small kitchen island before he had the chance to turn any lights on.

Casey glanced down at his hands as they seemed to be shaking still.

"That will stop soon." I muttered back at him.


I pushed myself from the island as I narrowed my eyes at him, "You do understand that I spent some time with Solomon Ragason in the Viking era right? I had a man once attack me for no reason! I was once placed on a wooden tower because they wanted to watch me burn to death, I fell about 80 feet to the ground without snapping my neck. I understand enough to know that this is not going to compare to what is coming."

Casey slammed two beers on the island as he pushed one over to me, "You really went through all of that?"

I nodded my head as I hit the bottle on the corner of the island pushing the top off.

"I don't get how someone like you could have been sent back."

"Someone like me?"

"You were at an ivy league school. Your father owns like 4 travel companies that are on the top of Forbes list. Your mother is one of the best professors at Yale. Why did someone like you go back to a time where people killed for fun?"

I smiled back at me, "I was told that because of a little rock that I was chosen to go back. That something inside of me was begging me to go back to a place where I belonged."

"You really think that?"

I ran my finger around the top of the beer bottle, "To you it sounds crazy but to me it made sense. I became someone new. I got to experience new things. I was someone else."

Casey looked back at me as something from outside the window caused me to jump up from the barstool at the island, "That would be the nightly alarm or warning really."

"Warning?" I narrowed my eyes back at him as he pulled the curtains to blocking out the apartment out from the outside world.

"The government made a rule about curfews a few weeks back. It was insane when it started but when they started thrashing people in public, it made everyone run inside when it got dark."

"What do you mean thrashing people in public?"

"Like a whip, like what they do to cattle to herd them up."

When the words left his lips it was like I was back in the square again with Loki screaming orders at Solomon and Maverick to hit me again.

Casey shook his head as he moved across the floor, "I mean who does that, it was so barbaric that they even thought of it."

"NO, Bridget knew that it happened to me. I'm guessing it started when I came back."

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