A/N: My Graduation Story

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Hey, guys! How are you all doing? Anyways, summer is here and I'm kind of wishing that time could rewind back to September. I know you're probably thinking, "what the heck is wrong with you? Summer is here! School's out! This is the best time of the year!" Well, I kind of don't want for my school to be out. It's just that I had such a great school year and I want it back. 😭😭😭 I want my wonderful teachers and classmates(mostly the teachers. Tbh, I don't think I'll miss any of my classmates except for the ones that I was close with) back. 😭😭😭 On Monday, I graduated(I'm not gonna say from which level of school because that would give away my age and I can't give out personal info on here) from my school. I'm officially an alumni and will never be able to go back there as a student. I'll go back as a former student. In September, I will move on to a bigger school for bigger kids and I'm kind of scared... It's going to be a huge adjustment for me. I really hope that I'm going to have just as a good time there as I had in the school I just graduated from.

But graduation night was a wonderful night for me. Surprisingly, I didn't cry at all(I almost did though). It was just too much of a happy moment for me to be sad. Since all of my teachers were just so wonderful this year, I decided to make them these really fancy things with their names surrounded by clip art that relates to the subject that they teach and to write them all letters. Before the actual ceremony, we had to take a class picture in our gowns and caps in the one gym(my school has two). So I was just standing in there, waiting for everybody else to show up, when my science teacher walked in with all of these boxes. I heard a few kids trying to say, "hi," to her, so I decided to as well. I think that I was the only one she said, "hi," back to.(Probably because I was standing the closest to her when she walked in, so she might not have heard the other kids.)

    And then she said something to me like, "Creativity77, that was the most unbelievable letter that you wrote. I'll talk to you about it later."

    And then she just walked off to go help set up for pictures.

    But the first thing that popped into my head was, "oh shoot, she read it! I forgot about the letters!"

    She's one of my favorite teachers, so the letter I wrote her was like three pages long. (Not double sided though. I wrote each letter in a different colored sharpie, and if you have ever used a sharpie, you would know how easily they bleed through paper. Also, I kind of had to write a bit bigger than I usually do just because I was using permanent markers, and not something with a skinnier like a pencil or pen. But I am darn proud of myself for being able to write so neatly with them and for hardly making any mistakes.) Remembering what I had wrote, I knew that letter must have really meant a lot to her, and I started getting a bit emotional.

    So I was just like, "Come on, C77! The graduation ceremony hasn't even started yet and you're about to cry!"

    I'm kind of an emotional person, but not with other people. I feel much more comfortable writing a heartfelt letter than to actually say something like that to someone's face. Like you know how there's people who are always saying nice things about you? Or people who always compliment others? Well, I'm not one of them. Like, if my friend is feeling down about themselves or if they just did a really great job on something, I'll give them a compliment. Also, if someone gives me a compliment, I'll give them one back. For example if someone says, "I like your outfit,", I'll say, "I like yours too." But people will say really nice things to me to my face, and I'll just be like, "thanks." And it's funny because people say I'm really nice. I may not give long compliments or praises, but at least when I do it, it's generous. I'm not really a sappy person. But I'm really great at writing, so I feel like I can express more of my feelings that way. So I found it really easy to think of thoughtful things to write in my letters. My teachers probably already know that I'm nice, but when they got those long letters from me, that probably made them feel really special.

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