14- Ayaka in Wonderland

Start from the beginning

"Okay, so now I'm in a pool?" She questioned in her head. Ayaka swam to the ladder and froze when someone started speaking. She saw a large yellow caterpillar sitting on a mushroom.

"You cried quite a bit, huh? You must have to fill a pool this size. See, this water is an accumulation of all the tears you shed in life. It's rather impressive actually. Looks as though you have been through more than your fair share of hardships. Speaking of which, I'd get out of there if I were you. It isn't safe." The caterpillar said coolly. Ayaka looked behind her as she heard the water splashing. Three heads popped out of the water all of them attached to alligator bodies that snapped at Ayaka. She jumped out of the water quickly.

"What were those things? This place is way weirder than I thought. Hang on. Am I back to my original size?" Ayaka asked to no one in particularly. 

"Not yet, but we can take care of that for you, if you're interested." The caterpillar said while writing in a black notebook. Ayaka looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" She walked up next to him. Bubbles came out of his mouth as he sucked on the mouthpiece of a hookah.

"It won't be cheap though. Ah, we have guests." He said lightly. A high schooler and a elementary girl walked up hand in hand. The older girl was wearing a boys uniform and had short brown hair.

"Yes, hello. Mind if this little girl and I have some mushroom?" The brunette girl asked.

"Of course, we can settle your tab at the end of the month." The caterpillar said writing in his notebook.

"You know, I think you are the most intelligent caterpillar I've ever met. What kind of stuff are you always writing down in that notebook of yours, huh?" Ayaka asked looking up to him on his mushroom.

"Oh, anything and everything." He said smugly the stopped writing," That's odd. You said always just now and yet you and I have never met." The caterpillar looked down at Ayaka through his glasses with a playful smirk on his face. The older brown haired girl reached for a red and blue spotted mushroom and the little blonde girl reached for a blue and red spotted mushroom.

"Always? Did I? That's weird, isn't it?" Ayaka questioned looking at the caterpillar. They each took a bite of their mushrooms.

"I'm getting smaller." The brunette said said as she aged down into a baby.

"I'm getting bigger." The little girl said as she grew into a young woman in more ways than one.

"I'm sorry. That's not exactly what I had in mind of getting back to size." Ayaka felt her eye twitch. She noticed that the baby was crawling away toward a door then opened by itself.

"Hey look! That little baby is crawling away all by herself!" Ayaka said urgently looking to the caterpillar. He was occupied with the newly grown up girl.

"It's not any of my business." He said as the girl purred in his lap. Ayaka ran through the door that the baby did and it closed behind her.

Ayaka pushed open another set of doors and immediately slipped on a banana peel.

"Hahahaha. Nice going." A mischievously grinning cat said from the couch he was laying on, his tail swaying happily. Ayaka rose from the floor slowly. She dusted off her uniform and fixed her skirt.

"You may refer to me as duchess." A girl said as she held the baby girl in her arms. Ayaka looked at her confused.

"That woman making banana soup over there is my cook and this worthless layabout is my cat." The duchess introduced the cat and the girl with red hair behind her stirring soup in a giant kettle. 

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