Chapter 46

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Harry and I were laying in my bed one evening after a long stressful day for the both of us. Harry was preparing for his film role and I had a doctors appointment and a 12 hour work day. So when I finally got home I could not wait to get in bed and cuddle.

"When is your last day of work again?" Harry asked as he rubbed his hand over my small bump. Ever since I started showing this was his favorite thing to do at the end of the day.

"May 1st, that way we can get settled in England before you head of the France." Harry and I decided that I would make the move back across the pond before he started filming that way we could get everything set up for the baby.

"I can't wait to get for the baby to get here." He sighed. When it came time for the anatomy scan we decided to not find out the sex and rather have it as a surprise.

"Me too. Are you accompanying me when I go to Pittsburgh this weekend? I promised Matthew I would visit before we left." I looked over at Harry to see a hint of guilt in his eyes.

"I can't babe. As much as I would love to hangout with the little guy I have meetings with Jeff." He frowned.

"It's okay H. I understand." I traced my hand up and down his arm.


It was a beautiful April day in Pittsburgh. I was finishing up breakfast with my sister then heading off to pick up Matthew. The perks of it being the weekend was that Matthew didn't have preschool so we had no time restrictions. As I was driving to my aunt and uncle's I felt some pressure on my lower stomach. My first instinct was that the baby was just laying on that area and decided to ignore it.

"Hey Jenn, I have so much to tell you!" Matthew practically yelled as we began walking around the toy store.

"What's that buddy?" I smiled down at him.

"So at preschool I get to sing all the One Direction with my friends! Eli really likes Perfect!" Matthew began jumping up and down from excitement. As we walked down the car aisle I began to feel another cramp. This time it caused me to stop walking for a minute.

"Hold on Matthew." I told him as he kept walking. I rubbed my stomach thinking it might ease the tension but that did not work. After a couple of minutes Matthew and I were able to finish up shopping and got back in the car to head for lunch. Matthew insisted on McDonalds and since Harry was not around watching what I ate I decided that would definitely satisfy my cravings.

After lunch I dropped Matthew off and made my way back to my father's house. I went up to my old room and decided to call Harry and catch up. After a few rings Harry finally answered.

"Hey Jenn, how are you?" Harry answered the phone.

"Hi. I'm doing ok. This kid of yours is really kicking my butt today but besides that I'm good. How are you? How were your meetings?" I sat there listening to Harry recap his day when yet another shot of pain went through my stomach. This time it was worse than any of the others. I must have gotten extremely quiet because soon after Harry was asking if I was ok.

"Not really, Harry. I've been having pain on and off all day and some spotting." I explained between deep breaths.

"That doesn't sound too good. Maybe you should call the doctor then call me back." He suggested. I did just that. After leaving a voicemail with the office I waited for them to call me back. About 15 minutes later they.

"Hello, is this Jennifer George?" The nurse asked after I answered the phone.

"This is she."

"Hi, this is Nina from Dr. Johnson's office. Well I talked to Dr. Johnson and he wants you to go to the emergency room right away and get a scan on the baby. Something can be wrong or you may be showing signs for preterm labor." She informed. Well this was a lot more serious than I thought. I said goodbye to Nina and quickly called Harry.

"Harry, it's me. I have to go to the hospital. They think something can be wrong with the baby." I said as tears began to form in my eyes.

"Just relax baby. I'll meet you at the hospital. I'm on my way." Harry replied. After hanging up with him I quickly grabbed my father and we made our way to the hospital.

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