eighteen. elijah's.

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pic of Elijah above! I see him as a very formal guy (he's based loosely off of Elijah from the originals, if Elijah was a frat boy 🙃)

niall sharply knocked on Elijah's door. he was prompt. the wine in his hand sloshed a bit.

"Niall!" Elijah opened the door and pulled Niall in for a hug. niall one armed him back and hale gave Elijah a high five.

niall wanted to bring Harry but he'd settle for hale.

"hi guys," Jane waved, pulling each of us in for hugs. their table was set with a Waldorf salad and shrimp cocktail. I quickly popped one into my mouth, leaving the tail in my pocket so they wouldn't know I stole one.

"we're having ham, that okay?"

"just dandy."

"so hale, you're gay as well?" jane asked, and Niall cackled at Janes question.

"um yes, very." hale shifted in his seat, cutting his ham so he wouldn't have to make eye contact with jane. niall's best friend was quirky. he liked to stay away from questions and the spotlight and being the center of attention, but once he was the center of attention he was unstoppable.

niall grinned over at hale, though he didn't see it. the boys planned to go back to niall's and play fifa after.

"and you're niall's best friend, who's going to marry his brother?"

"that's correct."

"so how old are you actually?"

"well I'm 24 and Roman is 29."

"oh so the age gap isn't that big then."

"nope. if it wasn't for me falling asleep everytime Roman babysat us as kids then maybe the two of them would've never gotten together." Niall said, laughing.

hale chuckled at that one.

Jane started talking about work and Niall kinda zoned out. Elijah sat across the table from him kicking his shin.

"oh what'd ya do that for?" he clutched his shit knee.

"guess you could say it was just for kicks."

"that was a bloody good pun."

"hell yeah it was." and Niall reached over and slapped him five.

it was easy to see why the two boys got along so well.

"I'm gonna kick your stupid ass."

"good luck white boy." hale said, dodging a ball Niall threw his way on Fifa.

niall was hella good at Fifa and hales skills left much to be desired.

they were on their fifth game of the night and it was getting late but there was no way in hell Niall was letting this piece of shit beat him.

"just because you're a light skin doesn't mean you can call me white boy."

"sorry gringo."

niall grinned as he scored the winning kick.

"FUCK YES! SUCK MY FAT COCK YA LOSER!" niall yelled, slamming the remote on the couch as he got up and cheered.

"fuck off mate." hale said, throwing his remote down, losing. Niall wasn't a very gracious winner, to be honest.

"all in good fun mate. I'm gonna hit the sack see you soon."

"bye ni."

"bye hale."

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