three. morning.

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again, not niall. this is chris zylka tho and he is v yummy.

niall woke with a resounding headache, fresh sheets, and no pants. he groaned trying to remember why in the world he was in harry's bed.

he remembered. him and harry got shitfaced and talked endlessly about random things and personal details. it was nice, to just talk. they didn't try anything, mind you, but just reveled in the sense that they were boys with opinions and a whole lot of beer.

niall pushed the sheets off him, groaning. harry's sheets smelled like ground cinnamon. it reminded niall of his goddamn grandmother. he shuffled the sheets off his legs and sat on the edge of the bed, looking for his sneakers. oh yeah, they're in harry's living room. niall had no idea where his shirt was.

niall stumbled up from harry's mattress and walked to the wooden door. he saw outside of the bedroom was another bedroom that had harry's clothes strewn across the floor. so that was where he slept.

niall walked out and he saw harry in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. niall smiled and walked out. what niall failed to notice was harry was only in his calvins.

"morning." niall grinned and harry whipped around. Harry was wearing an apron.

"hey. I'm making curry. I know it's not a breakfast food but I really wanted it. care to share?" harry didn't acknowledge his semi nakedness.

"yeah i like curry. where's my shirt, by the way?"

"oh um in my room probably. you took it off a lot last night."

"did i?" niall whispered, mostly to himself, trying to remember.

"no need to be ashamed. your body is quite nice, actually."

niall grinned.

"but i bet it would look even better under mine." niall gasped at harry's remark.

"aha! gotcha. but seriously i would fuck you." niall stashed the compliment in the back of his mind for later. he would never admit it, but he really wanted to get into Harry's pants, almost as much as he wanted to get to know harry, be with harry, enjoy him.

"no you wouldn't, harry. i top."

harry snorted. "maybe in past relationships you have. but do you seriously think you would top me?" niall considered it. he thinks he could, maybe, under a certain circumstance.

"you're not even gay harry." niall said, making sure elijah wasn't drunkenly throwing out misleading facts. Elijah said harry was bisexual but niall had a hard time believing that. niall was the only bisexual person he knew.

"I am quite gay, thank you for the concern." harry said, laughing and smiling. "I'm assuming you are too, niall."

"bisexual, actually. I've been with only one girl, though."

"was she better?"

"than what?"

"guys. you know, at like, sex."

"i don't know if it's better, just different. it's like, two different sensations. guess you could say I prefer sex with men though since I've been with more."

"how many men have you been with?"


"uh sure. sexually too."

"romantically; none. sexually... probably close to 10."

"wow." Harry chuckled lowly. Niall felt judged. nobody should make him feel bad for his personal choices.

"hey don't come ragging on me for my sex life-"

"it's impressive is all niall. I've been with 3 guys sexually, and no men romantically."

"oh." niall felt small. it was quiet for a long time. the only sounds were Harry cooking and niall's huge guilt. he felt bad for coming onto harry and telling him not to hate on niall. harry was entitled to believe what he wants to about niall.

God he was already whipped and they've only just met.

"breakfast?" Harry offered, and the two boys with no idea what the future held for them, dug in.

funny that neither of them had been in romantic relationships with men. guess there's a first time for everything...

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