six. coffee.

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janet montgomery! she's so beautiful and i envision as niall and roman's mom, kina. I saw her on Salem and I'm 100% sure she's now the loml.

niall had probably one of the worst days of his life today.

his boss was kind of a bitch to him when he asked how she wanted the files done, the mail guy spilled coffee on niall's pristinely white button up, he lost his left shoe somehow, and to top it off he's been stuck in traffic for 3+ hours trying to get to downtown for a meet up with hale.

niall sighed and laughed a little at how bad his day was going. it's better he focused on the positivity in his life right now. like how he got to kiss such a beautiful boy! harry was truly scrumptious.

his phone buzzed.

Roman:  hey, miss u.

Niall: hey. miss u back bro.

Roman: can we hang out soon? I'm not feeling so great.

Niall: yeah we can. what's the matter

Roman: nothing specifically. I just wanna c u if that's cool. how about we do two weeks from Saturday?

Niall: I can't. I have a gig

Roman: a gig...?

Niall: I forgot to tell u. that guy Harry I met at my party (curly hair, Elijah's friend) is a photographer for Harper's bazaar and got me a gig for the magazine modeling with the hadid sisters.

Roman: Holy fuck Niall that's sick!! have you called mom?

Niall: I will. gotta go. love u

Niall really loved his brother, but hated texting. he made a mental note to call his mother later and FaceTime roman.


"hale!" niall half shouted, seeing his mate sitting in the back of the coffee shop, Luxie's.

"hey." hale and niall 'bro hugged'. niall sat down and hale moved a cup full of coffee, one sugar, 4 creamers, to niall; aptly remembering niall's unique order.

niall shrugged off his black armani trench and left it hanging over the back of his chair. he sipped his hot coffee and nodded in approval.

"so how's work?" hale asked, sipping his green tea. niall sighed and stared out the window, seeing how the Boston weather was slowly turning into spring.

"it's really hard." and niall just started to cry. no specific reason, work just always stressed him out. hale patted his shoulder and told him everything would be okay. niall wiped his eyes after a quick 6 second cry. sometimes it happens. niall always felt stressed in new environments. whenever he cried it truly never lasted long either. niall wasn't a very emotional dude. niall and hale just sat, niall sipping his coffee and hale his tea.

this went on in that manner for a solid 10 minutes until niall spoke up.

"can I tell you something?"

"yeah." hale leaned back in his chair anticipating niall's news.

"you know how I'm bisexual?"

hale nodded.

"you know how I've only been in a relationship with one girl?"

hale nodded again.

"I think I want to start a relationship with a guy. which trust me, I know, sounds crazy. I met this guy on my birthday, so I met him around three months ago. we've hung out like 6-7 times and we've only kissed once. but I want to try something with him. am I insane?"

"yeah you are. niall you need to learn this lesson the hard way; stop throwing yourself into relationships. you threw yourself into a relationship with kelsey, and she broke your heart. you guys had been together for like 4 weeks before you started dating. you're a mess. focus on work right now, then relationships." hale didn't even flinch as slapped niall across the face with news.

niall gulped. he knew hale was right; he did jump headfirst into relationships. niall felt sad that hale was being so forward with him. niall thanked him, threw a $10 on the table and walked out.

sometimes the best criticisms come from people who have had to hear those same critiques themselves.

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