nine. princes.

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"niall!" roman called and he turned. roman waved and niall smiled at his retreating figure.

today was the day. two weeks had passed and niall was finally traveling to milan to be a fucking model. how insanely exciting.

he was getting in line at customs to board his flight to Milan, where he was to photograph with gigi, bella, and anwar. he was so excited to meet harry there. harry got an earlier flight so niall would get there and harry would have all the hotel rooms taken care of. his friend was so cute. niall was in line with 40 other people waiting to board, and niall clutched his ticket tightly as not to lose it.

niall handed the attendant his ticket and she flashed it under the scanner and waved him off. niall quickly walked down the aisle to the entrance to the plane. niall had never been on a flight longer than 3 hours, and this flight was 10. he was nervous, needless to say.

they ushered niall onto the plane and he took his seat near the middle of the business class flight. he thanked the attendant and sat down in the window seat, ready to see the world below him as he embarked on a new journey; one filled with kings, queens, castles, and a prince photographer. the two Royal babies couldn't wait to see each other. 


the flight had landed, and niall had hailed an italian uber to get to the chateau ste michelle; his hotel. according to his minimal understanding of the language, they were 10 minutes from their destination. he sat playing marvels contest of champions to pass the time.

niall didn't know if harry knew he was a marvel nerd. needless to say niall was hardcore team iron man, and was very excited to see the new black panther. black panther is the fucking sexiest hero.

niall called harry, and his little prince picked up on the fourth ring. niall wanted to know how the hotel was going.

"hi niall."

"hey harry."

"what's going on? did u land okay?"

"yeah everything's fine. just wanted to see if you got us rooms."

"yup. we're staying in 210."


"well originally it was 209 and 210 but I switched it so we could stay in the same room. I hope you don't mind."

"well it's fine but a heads up would've been nice."

"you've already seen my head up."

niall turned is phone off.


"oh, harry. it's so beautiful here." niall said, standing next to the giant glass window overlooking the whole city of Milan. harry got him and niall the best room. he had really outdone himself and niall was in total awe. harry watched as the young blonde looked around the room, touching things and staring out at the whole city. harry was used to this, but he would never tell niall that.

"thank you." niall whispered, his hands pressed against the glass. harry nodded and kissed his smooth forehead. niall smiled and stared out at the city. he almost had a difficult time taking in the whole city. he decided then and there this was his favorite place. he loved it.

"a drink?" harry asked, and niall and turned to his left. the tall prince held two glasses of red wine, both smelling deliciously fresh. niall blushed and accepted one. the two boys sat on the floor and overlooked the city.

they stayed like that for hours, in silence, taking in their surroundings.

it's nice to enjoy someone's company without having to force the conversation on each other to fill the void. there was no void with niall and harry. the two princes enjoyed their castle, and the city that they owned.

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