Sometimes You Gotta Rob Peter To Pay Paul

Start from the beginning

Teta had bigger things to worry about. She knew the time was approaching when Papa Legba would come for her, taking her as his concubine. She would have to face a public ritual in front of everyone in the faith, and dance for the loas. When the time would come, she would have to let the spirit penetrate her, consummating their union. Teta didn't have time to be playing with Victorine. She suddenly missed Hadrien, his warm touch and tropic taste...his juices tasted of mangoes.... She shook herself, staring at the carload of customers pulling up.

Dreeky toked on a perfectly wrapped blunt, then passed it to Victorine. They sat in the parlor, getting high and talking about Teta. Dreeky raised his eyebrows when Victorine told him how she had confronted Teta. " Uh- uh bitch! That is not one to fuck with! You know why she's still around? Because NOBODY can fuck with her, that's why! That is a dangerous game to play hun", he warned. Victorine rolled her eyes at her friend and took the blunt from him, hitting it. "Whose side are you on?", she asked. Dreeky looked her square in her eyes. A vision sprang up. He saw Victorine with blood on her hands, Hadrien laying at her side. A great dark, powerful figure, spiraling with laughter then roars. He saw Teta, her eyes black, levitating over the flames, blood dripping from her mouth. Dreeky snapped out of it from a slap from Victorine."What's wrong! What did you see?" she cried.
Dreeky gasped for air, then reluctantly told her his vision. Victorine's heart twisted. She looked at Dreeky, then composed herself. " I'm not afraid of that bitch, or anything she got going.", she exclaimed boldly. Dreeky gave her a hug , then lit the blunt up again.

Hadrien pulled in the huge crab net, his muscular arms glistening in the hot sun. Tonton MaCootre and another man named Harold had decided to go crabbing, and Hadrien went along to help. He had to stay busy. His desire to run to Teta was overwhelming. He thought of her sweet, fleshy walls that welcomed his staff into them, blessing his head with the pleasure of burrowing into them. Hadrien emptied his catch, then cast the net once more. Tonton noticed his troubled soul.

" Are things alright between you and Victorine? ", he asked. Hadrien wiped the sweat from his brow, then said, "TonTon, I don't know what to feel anymore." TonTon gave him a look, then said, "Son, I know you think you have feelings for Teta, but she is spoken for. The time is coming when He will come for her, and I expect you to
play your heart out, for He demands respect and homage!" The old man grumbled, then tended to the catch of crabs.

When they were done for the day, Hadrien took a sack of crabs down to Teta's. When she saw him at her door, she opened it up for him and invited him in. She missed his kisses and caresses. She smiled at him as he handed her the sack. " Are you hungry?" she asked, ready to flee into her kitchen of wonders. Hadrien grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, kissing her passionately, drinking her saliva as though it was spring water. He felt so good pressed up against her, letting her feel how much he wanted her. He lift her up and she wrapped her legs around him. Their mouths enjoyed each other, intertwining themselves. He cupped her ass, squeezing her. Hadrien laid her down on the sofa and began undressing her, kissing her body as he went along. She unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants , releasing him. He was about to enter her depths when he looked up to see a skull faced apparition behind the couch. It jumped out at him, startling him. He fell backwards, his huge hose dangling. Teta panicked, asking him what was the matter. Hadrien pulled himself together, then sat besides her. He had wanted to make love to her, not see spooks. It seemed that this would be the norm now since they angered the spirits by making love to each other. He fixed himself into his pants, then helped her up. Teta looked at him with a longing of her own. She kissed his neck, taking in the scent of his cologne. He closed his eyes in ecstasy at the touch of her lips. She walked to her door, opening it up for him to leave. "Take care of yourself", she told him, then softly kissed his lips.

Hadrien left Teta's house with such growing want, he thought he would burst. When he arrived, he had to compose himself before facing Victorine. He went inside to find her with her last client of the day. He quietly crept into the bedroom, taking off his shirt and letting his hair loose. He sat on the bed. After a while, Victorine came into the room. She gave him a wet kiss, then asked, "Are you hungry, baby?" Hadrien reached for her and pulled her to him, his head against her stomach. " I could eat a horse."

Teta lit her candles on her alter, then stoked the flames of her fireplace. She carefully drew an intricate ve've' on the floor using cornmeal. She took her huge crystals and set them into position. The wind seemed to howl outside. She sat atop of the symbol and meditated, chanting and praying. Her whole house began to rumble. The ancestors were listening. She stood and drank from her cup of rum, deeply. She swallowed some, then spat out the rest in a sheen spray. Her fire roared. She thought of Hadrien, then drank more, spinning around her living room, spitting the rum about the whole room.

A loud, masculine laughter penetrated her ears, its ethereal sound crippling her nerves. Giant red eyes glared out at her, making her their victim. Papa Legba slowly came into vision. Teta bowed low to him. He was as real as she. He stood before her, his face painted as a skull. He reached out to her, feeling her. Teta held her breath as he circled her slowly, taking her in. He was pleased with her powerful aura. He stood behind her, clasping her mound between her legs. She gasped, then tried to relax. He held her there for what seemed like forever, rubbing her hot hole. She began to appreciate his touch, it was unlike any she ever experienced. Her nipples hardened and she felt as though she would come, right there and then. A crashing climax dropped her to the floor, and like that, Papa had disappeared. Her heart beat wildly, as she composed herself. This sexual encounter had meant that the time was near, and He was coming for keeps.

Bayou Pétain (Currently Re-Editing)Where stories live. Discover now