He was met with a familiar face, but it wasn't his mother. It was his own, but about his mother's age, and they weren't in their cabin. He looked outside his window and saw a pod of dolphins. Then he realized, he was underwater.

He was officially confused. Who was this man and why does he look just like him?

"Perseus, is that you?" the man asked, rising from the chair to the left of him."I was worried," he said, sitting on the end of the bed in the big room," I wasn't sure if you would wake up. Your mother would of had my head if that was the case." said the man with a gentle chuckle.

Percy's head was spinning. How did this man know his name?He doesn't remember telling him it unless he had said it while she was sleeping. Wait, was he sleeping or unconscious? He couldn't remember, the last memories were nothing but blurs.

"How  do you know my name? How do you know about my mother? Why do you look like me? Why are we underwater? I need to ge-"  Percy's rambling was interrupted. 

"Perseus, calm down. I know your name because I helped pick it out. I know your mother as I met her before you were born. I look like you because I am your father. We are underwater because this is my castle in my domain of the ocean. When you fell off the log and into the ocean, i sensed your presence in my domain and sent my friends," He looked over at the dolphins, who swam in circles upon being acknowledged. His father answered these questions like he had done it many times before.

"I sent my friends to go retrieve you from when you fell and told them to bring you here.  I'm glad you are okay, I don't know how I could of explained that to your mother. Speaking of her, I should  bring you up to her, and I'll explain everything on the way up." said Percy's father.

"Wait, what is your name? Why did you leave us? Will you be coming back so we can finally get away from Gabe? Why have I never seen you before? Why have you never tried to make an effort to visit?! Why have you just been-" Percy was starting to get angry, and he couldn't figure out why.

"My name is Poseidon, and I am the god of the ocean. I left you and your mother because the ancient laws forced me to, but it was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make. Once again, the ancient laws forbade me to visit any of my offspring. Now, lets start to head back. On the way up I will answer any questions you have." Poseidon said, walking towards the door of the room, "Percy, come along." 

On that note, Percy rose from the bed and walked towards Poseidon with an unfocused look in his eyes.   


As Poseidon rose from the ocean with Percy asleep in his arms,  Sally Jackson was waiting for them in a chair reading a book while wrapped in a blanket with a stuffed black horse in her lap.

"Hello Sally, my darling." Poseidon said as he drew closer into hearing range.

"Hello Poseidon, why did you choose to look exactly like an older Percy today?" She said, putting her bookmark in the page she was on. Sally stood up and placed the horse in the sleeping boy's arms, tucking it in under his wrists. 

"I figured it was comforting to see a familiar face after being brought down to me." Poseidon said, shifting the boy into Sally's arms while taking the book and blanket she was holding. 

"Oh, I guess that's a good reason. Would you like to come with me to tuck him in?" asked Sally, with an undertone of hope in her voice.

"Of course, I treasure any moment I share with the two lights of my lives." He said with a little chuckle shining through his voice.

"I feel the same way. I feel bad that he only has comfort and is truly relaxed when we are here." Sally said, walking towards the door to the cabin as Poseidon put a hand on her shoulder as he joined her, and he grew a few inches and his faced changed a little bit while getting shorter hair and a beard.

Poseidon and Sally quietly walked into the cabin with Poseidon opening the door and sally heading straight to Percy's bed. Poseidon followed after closing the door and helped tuck Percy in. When Percy was settled in, Sally looked at Poseidon and made eye contact. They both frowned. 

"Percy, I love you and I hope you always know that. Alright Sally, step back." Sally did what she was asked as Poseidon put his hands on Percy's forehead and closed his eyes as his hands started to glow for 10 seconds.

"It hurts my heart that I have to wipe his memories clear of me, but I cannot have him know about my true identity, even thought I break down and tell him every time he asks me. I Hate these ancient laws!"  Poseidon said after removing his hands from his forehead, while leaning down to kiss Percy's forehead and whispered " Percy, I love you." and headed towards the door with Sally in tow.

They walked out to the beachfront before either of them said anything, only talking when they reached the chairs and talked until there was a faint trace of the sun on the horizon. 

At that, Poseidon changed to subject from godly gossip to a more depressing topic neither of them wanted to mention.

"Well, my darling, that is my cue to leave," Poseidon said, standing up and walking to the surf and truing to face sally once more, "See you next year, remember that I love you both." He waved before turning away and walking straight into the water.

Sally waved back before heading back into the cabin.


 Well it has been a while, almost 8 (i think??) months since an update.

With a heavy heart, I must say that this may or may not be the final chapter in this series, i haven't decided yet. I'm not as into this as i was 3 years ago. 

From here, the updates will only be more and more infrequent. 

As usual, not edited or read over, so it is possible there will be mistakes.

If this chapter doesn't make sense, don't hesitate to message me! i'll try to respond!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter as it might of been the last.

It's been real



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