Fathers Day

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uhhh  sorry for the lack of updates, i have been very busy and writing isn't the escape it used to be so enjoy 

A young boy was standing by the ocean near a cabin, tossing stones into the cool dark surf. He was oblivious to the wind whipping around him, sending his pebbles whipping back at him faster than he threw them. His mother was inside the warm cabin, sleeping on the large couch that was inside.

The boy's mother was unaware of her son's whereabouts, as she fell asleep after putting him to bed. Little did she know, he would leave the warm cabin to go somewhere on the remote beach.

The boy was walking near the tree line when he could faintly hear his mothers voice shouting for him to come back.  He didn't want to back yet, he wanted some alone time with the ocean.

The nights date was Father's day. The boy's father was not in his life anymore, and he cannot recall any memories of him. However when he thought of him, all he could think of was warmth and the ocean.

His mother told him that his father was lost at sea. The boy liked to spend time with the ocean whenever he and his mother visited the place his father and her met years ago. The child was not a fan of the man his mother was dating. He smelt like beer and cigarettes, a deadly combo. The boyfriend also had a gambling addiction that he refused to quit or get help for.

The boy shuddered at the thought of the nasty man.

While reflecting, he had ran a circle into the beach's sand. He frowned and walked towards a down tree by the ocean, about 5 feet from the waterline.  The boy tried to carve tridents into the wood with his fingernail but the wood was too stiff. He fell asleep  while tapping his fingers on the wood, almost routine like. 


He had woken up due to the sound of the angry ocean hitting against the bottom of his tree.

His tree was surrounded by what looked like 5 foot deep water, about 20 feet from where the water was ending on the sand.

He was in trouble.

He couldn't shout, in fear of waking his mother and because his voice had left him in his state of panic. He crawled towards the end of the tree, towards the branches pointing towards land.

Then, there was a creaking sound, then a crack, and the boy and branch parted ways when they hit the surf.

He hit the water so hard, it knocked the little air he had almost fully out of his lungs. He tried to feel around for the way towards the surface but he just grabbed sand and rocks as he was thrown underwater until he hit what was assumed as the tree branches.

     He was about to lose his breath.

He closed his eyes as his breath escaped him.


"Hello, Hello? Wake up, Wake up!"

He came around to shouting.

He could breathe again! He must be in the cabin where he,his mother and his favorite stuffed animal is currently staying. He opened his eyes.

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