Chapter 7

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I was walking down the corridor with Danielle , when we saw Shanice  and Sherika walking down in our direction.

I really hated those  girl , ever since I moved to this high school , last year , shireka  was hating on me and her twin Shanice started hating aswell  , I guess it's because  I was with shireka's ex deandra , which made her feel some type of way.

We was about to walk past them when the bitch Shireka walked into me and knocked all my books out of my hand. "Omg I'm so sorry " she said in a dramatic shocked look. Then started smiling.

"Are you stupid" I said stepping up to her.

"No but you might be " she said getting up in my face aswell.

"Listen bitch if you don't sort out your stupid attitude I will sort it out for you" I hissed at her on the verge of swinging.

"Don't talk to my sister like that" Shanice said trying to jump in the arguement.

"Bitch shutup " Danielle said rolling her eyes " you are her twin not her hand bag I think if your ugly sister is big enough to set a fire she is big enough to catch these flames by herself.

"And if I don't shut up are you going to make me " Shanice said getting all up in Danielle's face.

"Girl if you don't back...." Danielle's sentence was caught short by Shanice swinging her in the face . All of a sudden they started swinging at each other and pulling each other's hair , I jumped in to the fight swinging at Shanice from the back. Then shireka joined in by pulling onto my hair and I started swinging back at her .

I think from all the shouting a few students heard the fight and rushed out screaming "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" , recording the fight with their phones , which egged me on to fuck up shireka even harder. I took her head and slammed it up against the locker , while she was still swinging .

One of the teachers ran out to try and seperate the fight but ended up getting hit , by I don't even know who , I wasn't even paying attention to that I was just trying to atleast leave this bitch in coma if not dead.

Suddenly kenin and deandra came from no where , deandra held onto me while kenin was trying to pull on shireka. At this point Danielle and Shanice had gotten separated and taken away while me and shireka where still going at it.

"Let go Lucy " deandra said as he tried pull me away from shireka , but I wasn't about to let go , I grabbed onto her hair and was kicking her in the face as deandra still tried to pull me off.

After trying so hard they managed to seperate us .

" you stupid bitch look what you did to my hair" shireka screamed at me still being held back by kenin.

"Bitch I wouldn't worry about your hair , look at your face , next time will teach you not to try step to meee " I replied in a sarcastic laugh

Everyone starts owing.

"Let go off me " she snapped at kenin. He automatically let go off her "my bad , shawty I was only trying to stop her from killing you but be my guest" he said puting he hands up as if to say I surrender.

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