Chapter 1

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PoV Adriana

Years later after daddy's death things got worse , mama met a man named Brandon. Brandon was about 6'5 tall brown  and muscular. The first few months when he and mum started going out everything was okay . I actually liked him he made me feel like I had a father again and he use to always take me August and Lucy out a lot. Until all of a sudden he started changing .

Him and mum where continue sly arguing and it got worse when he would come home drunk and just start random arguments with mum . It got even worse when he started hitting her . Mum went into depression because the abuse was getting worse . Brandon turned from a father figure to an beast. Also mum turned from the kind mother to a drug addict.

Things where just getting worse and I remember one night in particular that just caused everything to turn for its worse. I was about aged 16 now. I had just managed to grow a little . I was 5ft2 , I had a nice model shape as people had said and my face matured , I was looking more like mother and Lucy was 8 and almost the same height as me .

As I grew older I began to get attention from boys , but I always use to blow them off unlike August who was a real ladies man . He use to get so much girls , these hoes where all over him , but I payed them no attention .  Anyways like I was saying there was one day in particular that  just turned my whole life upside down.

"Aye you know that Amanda chick , the one with the curves , big boobs and big bum" August said...... We where on our way home from the library and August was doing his usual talking about how he was Finna fuck some hoe or how he got a number , I hardly payed attention to a word he was saying it was so annoying.

"Yeah what about her " I sighed rolling my eyes.

" I'm going to hit it she gave me her number " he said smiling at the peace of paper with numbers on it .

" you sick me August" I said scrunching up my nose .

"What , you just mad because you ain't got a boyfriend" he said kissing his teeth.

"And what makes you think , that's not by choice " I stopped walking and put my hands of my hips raising an eyebrow.

"Whatever I just know I'm going to hit it and I'm going to give it to her raw " he said licking his lips as we continued walking.

"Ion really want to know that " I said as I walked up to my front door.

"Whatever later dri , see you tomorrow"

I waved August goodbye as I stepped into the house .  The house was quiet, mum had gone to stay at aunty Lucia's house for the night , so it was just me Brandon and Lucy.

I quietly closed the door and took off my shoes . It was about 8pm and I knew Brandon had work so he was probs asleep and Lucy was probably asleep Aswell so I didn't even bother trying to wake them up . I went into the kitchen and made myself a little sandwich before taking it upstairs to my room.

I placed the sandwich plate on the table and quickly changed into my shorts and vest top. I sat down on my bed going through periscope broadcasts , while biting into my sandwich.

I heard at my door which caused me to jump. " come in " I said still recovering from the shock of the door knock.

The door opened and Brandon walked into my room shutting it behind him. I was surprised because Brandon never came into my room , but I paied no attention to it because Brandon was like a father to me so I didn't mind .

" wasup"Brandon I said sitting up a little and placing the now empty plate on my desk top.

"I just came to see if you where okay and know how your day was " he asked sitting next to me on the bed .

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