Chapter 14

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I decided to spend the day at the condo , dri has been calling non stop since yesterday but i didn't want to hear it. I needed to give her space cause she needs to figure out what she wants cause i dont think she wants us as much as i want us .

I walked into the bathroom and threw the shower on , i had to make it to the studio at 9 and it was 8:40 , i was already late spent all night at the club drinking my mind away and now i feel fucked up.

After doing my higene shit and throwing on some clothes i took my keys and headed to the door.


I walked into the studio about 15 minutes after 10 cause of stupid traffic. I wasn't in the right frame of mind today and i just wanted to do this track and just get out .

"Wassup man " drake said getting doing our hang shake.

"Wassup" i replied head nodding the rest of the crew in the studio, i and drake where working together for our tour coming up and i had asked him to help me with a song for adriana's birthday that was coming up.

"You good" drake asked noticing i looked slyly stressed.

"Yea mayne just lil mama urcking a niggah yuh hear me, listen to this , how a niggah gonna ask lil mama to be his gurl , she says yes , but she still fucking about with her other niggah" i said wiping my hand over my face.

" wow did you speak to her about it"

"Yeh and she tol a niggah its hard , like fuck outchea with that bullshit , it aint hard i broke up with keke just fine for her ass and she telling me she cant let go off this lil niggah"

"Listen august i get you , girls are complicated tbh , you just got to give her time maybe hear her out , maybe theres a really good reason why she hasnt told him , just don't work yourself up "

"I hear you "

"Good now lets work on this track "

I walked into the booth and began working on the song.


"He what ?" Jane asked in suprise " you telling me he just walked out , did he even give you a chance to explain yourself ?"

" naah he just said he dont know why its hard for me to let marcus go and then walked out" i sighed. I had called jane over today cause i wasnt feeling to good and needed cheering up.

I know august was mad and if it was me i would be mad aswell , but him not answering my calls just made me upset.

"Well have you tried call him "?

"Yeah like 50 times and he aint answeing " i fell back on the bed at the thought . Guys where so difficult i swear , you try please them you end up
In shit you try do you they say its wrong.

"Well maybe you just got to give him time , have you thoight about what you are going to do with marcus " jane asked

"Nooo , i really dont kmow how im going to tell him"

"Jane why is it so hard for you to tell him like this niggah hurt you and if it wasnt for the fact that his mother died you wouldnt be together so it shouldnt be that hard , unless you still love him" she said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well ... I dont ... Well i dont know" i stuttered at the thought of still loving marcus.

"Wait you still love marcus, girl this is sticky you are going to need to make up your mind because you cant keep running away from confronting marcus and you cant play with august heart"

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