49 part 2

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After dancing for God knows how long , the drinks began to hit me . Daniel (will) had snuck a little alcohol into the ball so all of us had gotten lit.

"Babe I'm going to the toilet" I spoke into quaan ears .

"Alrite don't be too long" he replied

I walked towards the toilet . I got in putting the toilet seat up before hovering over the toilet and easing myself, these toilets were so disgusting there was no way I was sitting on it.

I flushed the toilet seat , pulling up my knickers and put the seat down when I heard voices coming from outside the door.

"Did you see deandre with that Rebecca chick" shanice said

" honestly how desperate , if we didn't break up because of that bitch Lucy that would have been me" sherika tutted.

"Honestly man , I can't believe he found out , but ahhh the plan had worked sooooo well but I don't know why they had to stab her"

"Honestly that was going too far , I hate the bitch but stabbing her was just too far . Anyways the year is over , I look good you look good , let's forget those bum bitches and enjoy our night" they both laughed before exiting the toilet.

I don't know what was making me cry , the alcohol or the fact that these bitches were responsible for almost taking my life and deandre knew about it and did not tell me anything .

I sat there feeling life , wondering who else knew . I had to confront deandre . I was sooo angry . I wiped the tears from my eyes and headed out of the bathroom .

I walked up to deandre.
"Babe are you okay" quaan asked . I completely ignored him . I was soo mad right now all I saw was red .

"Deandre can i talk to you ?" He raised an eyebrow , looking at me with that "what the hell" expression .

"What's going on" will asked . Quaan and deandre both shrugged as I walked out of the hall with deandre tracing behind me.


Once we were outside I passed back and forth before just spilling it out " how long did you know ?" I asked

"Know what ?" Deandre replies confused on what I could be talking about .

" how long did you know that shanice and shereka , we're behind the incident that almost left me dead"

" Lucy... I "

" so you knew" immediately tears came out of my eyes "what have I done to you deandre for you to treat me like this, I gave you 5 years of my fucking life . Not 1 not 2 but 5 and I've got nothing but hurt from you , and when your bitch almost took my life you didn't have the audacity to even let me know"

"Lucy I'm so sorry , I didn't know how to tell you , when I found out I was so mad , I even broke up with shereka straight away"

"You think breaking up with her would was enough huh ?, you are absolutely on believable, I hate youuuu so soo sooo much deandre"

"Lucy I" before he could finish his sentence , will kenin and quaan walked out.

"What's going on ?" Quaan asked

"Can you believe this Bastard knew that sherika and her devil twin put me in hospital and he didn't tell me"

They all looked at me with silence and guilt in their face . I raised my eyebrows confused .

"Wait , hold on ? You all knew ?"

"Babe this is no....." quaan spoke trying to hold onto me , but I just pushed him back

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