Chapter 29

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Xiumin's POV 

All three of us sat down in front of Woojin. He looked so satisfied that we followed ever single word he told us. I was glaring at him, my eyes only wishing for his death. He looked straight back into mine, chuckling slightly at how angry I was. I can't really explain how furious I was right now. I had been angry loads of times as people probably already have figured out, but never have I felt this much rage at once and the worst part is that I can't do anything fucking thing about it. All I can do is sit here as he blabbers about some bullshit while Yeona is literally getting killed right in front of my eyes. I was suppose to protect her but I for sure am not making a good job with that.

"Calm down. We are here to solve this whole... Misunderstanding." He gave crooked smile. I couldn't help but crack out a sarcastic laughter as his lips moved, speaking those idiotic words.

"There is no such thing as a misunderstanding here." I spat back.  "The only thing here is you getting involved with business that you should stay the hell away from." 

"There is a misunderstanding though." He said, grinning widely.

"And what's that suppose to  be?" I raised my eyebrows. My plan about letting Kyungsoo speak obviously didn't go that way since my big mouth had to much to spit out to this jerk.

"You think that you're here to save the day for the poor girl, but you're not." He looked at me, his eyes were still looking straight into mine.

"What the fuck are you talking about? You told me to get here and you will give her to me. That was the deal." I wanted to stand up and choke this fucking snake but yet I sat on my seat, only my eyes expressing the hatred I was feeling.

"Well you see, usually in a deal both the participants has to do something so, how do I put this in the easiest way so you and your minions will understand..?" He pretended to think for a while, being as smug and disgusting as always. "Well, you need to do something for me as well."

"No fucking way. I will never help you with anything." I muttered, doing my best to not raise my voice.

"You say that now but you will probably do it anyway. I mean, you love this girl way too much to just let her go." 

"How can you be so sure?" I said coldly. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Are you even trying to deny it? You're here, that makes me sure enough." He glanced at Yeona who stood with her eyes glued to the floor, her whole body shaking out of fear. "If you didn't love her you wouldn't bother coming here, risking your own life just to save her."

"What do you want from me?" I bit my lip hard, almost fearing that my teeth would go through the thick skin. I had just told him that I would never in my life help him and yet now, just a minute later, I was asking what he needed help with. I'm such an idiot.

"That was easier than I thought. I thought you would keep denying your love for her." Woojin said in amazement as he walked over to Yeona. I followed him with my eyes, if he touched her I would probably storm up from this seat and tackle him to the floor.

"Get to the fucking point already." Kyungsoo cut himself into the conversation as he as well watched Woojin's every movement. 

"I want you to break someone out." He replied. His smirk grew while my face got filled with confusion. I could see how Jongdae and Kyungsoo looked at me with wide eyes but I was too confused myself.

Woojin looked satisfied with our reactions as his hand stroke Yeona's cheek. It was soft and gentle and it made my blood boil inside my veins. Only I can touch her so gentle, only I can be so careful with her. I stood up as quick as lightning to run over there and break his damn neck when Jongdae took a hold of me and pulled me down with a hard pull. I fell down to the chair and sent a glare towards his direction.

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