Chapter 3

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A/N: Please remember bad language will come due they being criminals. It's just fictional and obviously none of this is real so don't be mad that I picture the boys as bad/violent people in the story!

Xiumin's POV

"You're really just going to let her run away? Shouldn't we at least follow her to get them both at the same time?" Chanyeol asked, making me roll my eyes. He always asked so many questions but yet he was one of my closest friends so I never told him to shut that big mouth of his.

"I don't see the point in running after her. It's a waste of energy. We both know we'll catch her soon anyway." I spoke slowly, making both Chanyeol and Sehun nod slowly.

"I just think we could-"

"You think to much." I cut him off and started to walk away.

Sehun and Chanyeol followed me, not sure if they should keep questioning my decision or not. If they could use their small brains that probably hides inside their heads they should soon realize that shutting up would be the best option.

"What should we tell the others?" Sehun asked as we turned a corner.

"Why do we have to tell them anything?" I looked over my shoulder to give his face a look before looking straight ahead again.

"You told them that Hyejin and that girl we just spoke to would come with us and you never say anything you don't mean." I could tell he was frowning as he let those words leave his lips.

"Well maybe this time it's worth to chase a little." I replied as the usual smirk made its way up on my lips.

"You? Chasing after some stupid bitch? Don't make me laugh." Chanyeol snorted, making me stop in my tracks as I spun around to shoot a glare in his direction.

"Says the one who just won't shut up about Hyejin. Losing her and letting her run off like some crazy idiot was the most stupid thing you could ever do. How could you even let her out of your sight?" I spat at him, making him tense up.

"Sorry." He mumbled as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I swear it won't happen again if I get another chance to have her..."

I rolled my eyes. I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots.

Maybe I should introduce myself a little better. My name is Kim Minseok. Or well - it used to be. Ever since the end of high school my named became, and still is till today, Xiumin. I wouldn't say I'm proud of who I've become, but what can a man do when it's already gone to far anyway?

It was after christmas break that Luhan came into my life. No, not in some romantic way, just as some random badboy that the girls were drooling after. I never quite understood that about some girls, why did they always go for the boys that treated them like dirt? Well, their problem - not mine.

However. After a night out at a club with, what used to be, my friends I met him. We were celebrating that it was only 5 months left until we graduated but things got a bit out of hand and I ended up stumbling towards my home by myself at 4am. Luhan helped me home. I know accepting these type of offers are the most idiotic thing someone can do but let's be honest, I had probably drank my brain out so I couldn't really think clearly.

Back at my place he suggested a deal, I should start selling some ecstasy for him and in return he'd pay me. And we're not talking some small amount of money here, I'm talking a big number. He told me I'd get about 35$ for each pill I sold so who the fuck am I to say no to that? Okay, I should have said no but I didn't. Call me an idiot, but that was case and I don't regret it - I have a good life now. Sure, I'm on the run and have to hide during daylight but I had money, and a lot of it.

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