Chapter 2

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"What, why?" I asked her, her warning about staying away from Xiumin really having me confused.

"He..." She started but trailed off. "This is so bad, Yeona. This is so fucking bad."

"Why? Can you calm down and tell me what the fuck is going on here?" I asked, getting really worried over how frightened Hyejin had become after the sight of Xiumin.

"No, the less you know about him the better. Just be careful. Don't talk to him, don't touch him. Don't do anything that has to do with him. Just stay away and keep your distance. Get someone to walk with you home from work." She blurred out all in one breath. "You're in trouble now, he knows where you live. Where we live."

"Hyej-" I started but she kept on going.

"Chanyeol will probably come back as well now. All of them. Yeona, we should leave. Like now, right now."

"HYEJIN!" I soon shouted, making her freeze at her spot as she looked at me in shock. "Now you sit down and calm down and tell me everything you know about this. Who is Chanyeol? What do you mean all? Please! I'm so confused, tell me!"

"Trust me Yeona, the less you know the better."

She took her coffee from my hand and looked at my with worried eyes. "Please Yeona, promise me to be careful?"

"You know it'd be a lot easier to be careful if you told me what I should be careful for." I explained as calmly as I could even though in reality my heart was picking up speed because of the sudden fear I was feeling.

"I wish I could but... I just... I think it's better for you to not know..." And with those words said she left me alone in the hallway. I heard the door to her room close and soon a click was heard to signal that her door now was locked.

I sighed, not sure how to feel or what to do. Xiumin didn't seem to be a bad guy but then again, why should I trust a random stranger before my best friend?

Different theories about why Hyejin was acting like this started to spin around in my head. Of course I'd listen to her, there was no doubt in that. If she was so convinced that Xiumin was a bad guy I'll trust her on that, but who exactly was he? And who was Chanyeol? She had never mentioned any of those names to me before. I briefly remember her telling me about a horrible ex boyfriend but I don't see how she could be so upset just because of an ex returning into her life.

My eyes give the closed front door a glimpse. I was in trouble now she said, because of him knowing where I lived..? I'm maybe stupid but I couldn't connect the different pieces to what was going on and it made me even more worried about this whole situation.

To be honest though, some dots could be connected. Xiumin had been very eager about walking me home earlier when taking the drinks from my hands and the night before he actually offered to walk me home and that was the first time we met.

"How did you meet him?" Hyejin asked from behind me out of nowhere, making me jump out of the surprise so I dropped my coffee to the floor.

"Jesus christ, Hyejin." I groaned and grabbed the closest towel and bent down to clean up the mess that I just had created.

"Answer my question." She said, setting her foot down on the towel so I was forced to stop with the cleaning.

"I don't know, I just met him last night when walking home." I looked up at her. Hyejin looked at me with puffy eyes, I could see that she had cried but she kept a stern look in a way to try to hide that fact.

"Was he alone?"

"Yes Hyejin. He was alone." I snatched the towel away from her foot and got up. "I met him last night and he offered to walk me home. I kindly declined the offer but today I met him at starbucks when getting our coffee. He literally took the drinks out of my hands and headed out, refusing to give them back before I showed where we lived because he wanted to be some stupid gentleman."

On The Run // Xiumin [Book One]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon