Chapter 4

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"I always get what I want." His words kept repeating themselves in my head. What did he even want from me? I didn't understand why he wanted me so bad. I was basically a nobody. Hyejin was the girl every boy just dreamed to be with, not me. I've obviously already figured that they have a certain interest in Hyejin already but me? Why me? I didn't stand out in a crowd of girls. I was just there. I was literally nothing special. That's why I didn't understand why he was after me and why he just couldn't leave me alone.

"Are you okay?" Hyejin literally shouted in my ear through the speaker on the phone.

Hyejin had called right after one minute extra had passed. Suddenly I was 1 minute late and she thought something just had to be wrong. She was right, I can't deny that. I wasn't okay right now. I just wanted to crawl up and hide but where? He knew my name and where I lived. And he waited outside the library so I guess he has figured out where I like to spend my freetime now. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I just wanted to finish a chapter in the book I was reading." I lied. Hyejin had finally got courage enough to go outside again, I didn't wanna ruin that for her. She didn't need to know about this nights event anyway. 

"You don't sound fine." She said after a short silence. Typical Hyejin, could hear when I lied and didn't. But what could I say? 'Hey Hyejin, I just met Chanyeol and he really wanna meet you so call him as soon as possible, will yah?'

Okay, that was stupid. I'm sorry. I just don't know anymore. I want to tell her everything and let her know that Chanyeol, who she feared so much, was here looking for her but yet I didn't want to worry her. 

"Where are you?" She asked when I didn't reply to her statement. 

"I'm just around the corner, just wait one minute and you'll see me." I sighed and as I told her I turned a corner and the next second she's in my sight. 

I see her hang up the call before she slide her phone into her pocket. She walked towards me to close our distance faster and once we're close enough she immediately link our arms together and started to walk towards our home without a word.

The walk back to the apartment was in a complete silence. I don't know if I liked it but to be honest I didn't hate it, it was pretty comfortable when I thought about it because then she couldn't question what happened earlier and she couldn't tell me that I was lying which meant that it'd be easier to keep this night's event for myself without letting a worry start to grow inside her. 

As soon as we got home she went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I figured she'd be hungry so I followed her and sat down on the counter as I watched her pick out a coke before getting up on her toes to reach the top cupboard to pick out a package of ramen. 

"Do you trust me?" She asked all of the sudden as her eyes seemed to be glued to the water that was slowly heating up on the stove.

"What? Of course I do. What kind of question is that?" I frowned and sat up straighter to stretch my back that was starting to ache a bit.

"I don't know. We've only been friends since I moved here last year but you grew to be a big part of my life really quickly. I mean we live together and I don't count you as my best friend for nothing." She let her eyes leave the now almost boiling water and instead find my face.

"Go on." 

"It feels like you're hiding something for me. I know you'd never lie to me but I just feel like something is off." She bit her lip slightly before sighing, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, I don't know." 

The silence took over. We just awkwardly looked at each other before looking away again, not knowing if we should keep the subject or change it. Not even knowing what we should say at all. She poured her ramen into a bowl and took a pair of chopsticks out of a drawer before taking a seat, poking at her food like she didn't want it anymore.

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