Chapter 16

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Xiumin's POV

"So, where are we going?" Jongdae asked me as we walked along the streets of Busan.

It was in the middle of the day and me and Jongdae were pushing ourselves through the pretty crowded streets. It wasn't anything unusual though, this is where we used to live. We know every street and corner in our head hence why it was easy to escape, like cops that saw our shadows in alleyways when we were selling.

I looked at Jongdae and handed him a folded note that Sehun had been quick to give me during the lunch we had. Jongdae looked a bit confused but unfolded the note without any further questions.

"Ohh..." He said to himself as he understood where we were going and he quickly putted the note into the pocket of his hoodie.

"Yeah." I said as I kept walking.

Jongdae and me were together in charge of EXO but it always happened that I left him out on the details of what was going on. I didn't mean to do it but the members just trusted me more with these stuff and I couldn't find the time to always tell Jongdae. It was not that they didn't like him nor that they disrespected him, it was just all about me being the most available. I guess you could say that I was in charge of keeping the members in their places while Jongdae was in charge of making sure that the boys sold their stuff.

"Is he still around here? Who would have thought." Jongdae frowned slightly as we turned a corner, heading into a alleyway. The sun was still up but due the high buildings blocking the sun the alleyway was dark and you could easily hide in the shadows.

"I guess he is, Sehun usually isn't wrong about where people are located." I bit my lip, hoping that Sehun hadn't fucked up as I banged on the metal door. 

"That's true." Jongdae nodded in agreement. We all knew that Sehun was a genius when it came to finding people's addresses and phone numbers. He could easily locate people everywhere and anytime. He was a strong member of the group because of that ability. 

The door didn't open and I knocked again, this time harder out of the frustration that I had to wait. 

"Maybe he isn't he-" Jongdae started but didn't even finish the sentence before the door swung open and a dark pair of eyes met ours.

"Can I help you?" The man almost shouted. If I wasn't used to people raising their voices and meeting dangerous people almost daily I'd probably be terrified of him but instead I just grinned at the man.

"No, you can't. But your leader can." I replied as I easily pushed the man out of my way and headed inside. 

"Oh you little-" The man shouted and took a hold of my wrist and I was sure that he'd punch me straight in the face when a familiar voice stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that, Joonsuh." The voice said and out of the shadows our old friend stepped out - Kim Woojin.

His hair was still black and styled up in a weak quiff. He was dressed like any typical person, just a pair of jeans and white T-shirt with a black jacket to top it off. No one could ever assume that this was the man that was in charge of every gang that made a living in Busan. 

He approached me and Jongdae with slow steps, almost like he tried to puzzle together why we had decided to return here.

"Why are you here?" He questioned once he was right in front of us. "We all know that the cops are after you, that's why we decided that the best thing for you and your friends was to run."

"We didn't have a choice. Some idiot snitched on us." Jongdae explained as his eyes flickered around the familiar room.

"So you just decide to come back here? Where the police almost know everything about you?" He raised his eyebrows. Just by the look in his eyes I could tell that he thought that we were the biggest idiots he has ever met.

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