Chapter 20

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Xiumin's POV

My eyes flickered open, scanning the room I was located in. The familiarity was big and I soon remembered that I was in the living room inside our hideout. I tried to sit up but stopped myself after just a few millimeters when I felt a burning pain in my stomach. I slowly slid up my shirt and noticed a the rather fresh cut in it. I was going to use my other hand to gently touch the wound when I noticed someone held it. My eyes darted towards the floor only to find Yeona. 

I looked at her in silence. I was speechless. She was sitting on the floor, her back leaning against the small coffee table. Her eyes were shut and she took steady breaths. She was deep asleep. She looked exhausted. Her hand was connected with mine and our fingers were slightly intertwined. I wasn't sure why but I felt uncomfortable with her gentle gesture. Holding hands had never been something I've done with girls so I roughly pull my hand out of the grip her small hand had around it and of course it made her wake up. 

"You're awake..!" She said with a little bit too much excitement. She shrugged awkwardly. "I thought you were dead for a while."

"It will take more than a cut to kill me." I mumbled and once again tried to sit up. The pain was burning as I did so but I refused to show myself as weak in front of Yeona. 

"Take it easy." She whimpered as she watched me struggle. I bit my lip and laid back down again. No, not because she told me too - because I wanted too. 

"Are you alright?" She asked. I felt how the discomfort grew inside me. She was too gently and worried about me and I didn't like it. No one ever bothered to check if I was okay so now when she did it just made me feel like I was looking weak.

"I'm fine." I said in annoyance. She nodded slowly and left the discussion there. She got up on her feet and started to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I watched her leave. She stopped and stayed still for a moment before she turned around and looked at me.

"To your room. I suppose you want me to be there." She suggested. I looked at her suspiciously. The girl who had countless times tried to talk herself free and escape was now offering herself to go lock herself inside the room. 

"Stay here." I said softly. I shrugged, trying to get the softness out of my voice. 

She bit her lip a bit. Damn, those beautiful lips she had. I couldn't stop admiring how beautiful she was. Why hadn't I taken a girl like her before? Why did I prefer booty over a pretty face. The world will never know. 

Her feet walked slowly back to me and soon she took her previous seat on the floor again. I forced a smile and I could tell that she forced one back. The pretty much awkward silence took over. For the first time I didn't know what to say to her. She didn't argue or put any resistance this time, she just sat there as she looked at me with worried eyes. I had never had someone being worried about me before so I couldn't really figure out fully if I enjoyed this attention or if I should tell her to leave the room so she wouldn't look at me with those big eyes.

"Where are the others?" I questioned and she blinked a few times. She was quiet for a while, thinking where the others had went. Maybe they left a long time ago and she had forgotten but soon her face lighted up a bit.

"The others went out to sell everything since you didn't get anywhere. Suho decided to join Sehun and Chanyeol since you were pretty much passed out. Sungmi is in her room as well as Jess and Hyejin and..." She struggled to remember everything. It was obvious that someone had forced her to memorize this since she didn't speak as freely as she usually does. "And the others still haven't returned."

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