Chapter 18

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Xiumin's POV

"Fuck off." I grumbled at Jongdae as I pushed the front door open.

Jongdae laughed more, thinking it was hilarious that he managed to make me drink so much that I basically lost control of what I was doing. Thankfully I brought a bottle of water for the way home and managed to sober up a bit.

"Wow, nice house." Brittany, as the girl from the club as named, said as she walked inside.

I rolled my eyes, still not understanding what the hell she was doing here. I sent a glare to Jongdae who happily walked past us. My eyes sneaked a peak inside the kitchen in hope to find a beautiful girl sitting there but she was sadly not in sight. Maybe she was in the living-room. Yeah, probably that since Jongdae apparently had made Sehun keep her out of the way for me and Brittany.

I shook my head, ignoring the throbbing pain in it as I lead myself and my company towards the bedroom. She happily followed with light steps, something I caught myself finding rather uncomfortable. She wasn't as careful and aware as Yeona, she was ready to rip my clothes off and jump on me. The real question is why the hell I was feeling uncomfortable with that, it usually is the best thing in the world when girls throw themselves at me and I can fuck them without having to worry about any consequences.

"Ready to let me pleasure you all night?" She asked with a broken korean. Her way of pronuncing words was so unattractive, it would be easier if she just shut up since she clearly can't speak the language fluently.  She closed the door behind her, leaning against the wooden door as she tried to bring her figure out as much as she possible could as she looked at me like she was a hunter and that I was her prey.

"Show me what you got." I sighed, clearly not in the mood. She looked a bit unsure of what to do due my lack of interest but soon she gave herself a boost of confidence and headed my way.

One of her hands took a hold of my shoulder and her fake nails dug into my skin to get a better grip around it. She used some of the strength her weak body could manage to pull my slightly closer to her body as she looked at me with innocent eyes. I raised my eyebrows slightly at her but decided to play along, to be honest I had nothing to lose anyway.

I started to lean in to give the girl a meaningless kiss when someone knocked on the door. I pulled away my head and my eyes stared at the closed door. Brittany lifted up her index finger and placed it over my lips in an attempt to tell me to be silent and pretend that we weren't here but I took a hold of her hand and moved it away from my face as I answered the person knocking.

"What?" I said calmly, not nearly annoyed or irritated that the person had interrupted the two of us.

"I'm just asking if you know where everyone is?" Jongdae's voice echoed through the thin door.

Brittany looked a bit confused but I moved her out of the way with the grip I had around her hips before I approached the door and swung it open to face my friend.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I felt how the annoyance started to grow at the thought of the members, including their girls, had left without a word.

"Well no one is around and you said-" He started but I cut him off.

"Where is Yeona?" I said in such a calm voice that I was sure the blood froze in Jongdae's veins as he listened to me.

"I don't know, not here at least." He shrugged after he had collected himself after my way too calm-asked question.

"Well you don't need her, babe." I could hear Brittany's annoying voice call from behind me.

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