Chapter 24

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His hand stroke my cheek. It was so gentle and so filled with love. He smiled softly before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. The room was in complete silence, all that could be hear was the sound of our breaths. 

"How did you get here?" I asked as I looked up to him. Xiumin smiled and licked his lips.

"I'm here to take you home." He said, completely ignoring my question. His lips didn't smirk or anything. He was smiling. Smiling like he was looking at the most precious thing in the world.

"And what exactly is home..?" I questioned quietly. The smile forced its way up on my lips as he chuckled.

"Wherever I am is home for you." He said jokingly, but yet seriously.

He started to lead me towards the door but that's when he stopped. I looked confused at him, why did he stop? I couldn't think of a valid reason before the door slammed open and Woojin came into our vision and before I could react Xiumin was on the floor, bleeding from his head. I opened my mouth to scream but not a sound came out. Woojin stood over Xiumin's lifeless body, laughing. I took another deep breath and tried to scream again but still no sound came out through my lips.

The next second I found myself sitting up in a bed, screaming loudly. My eyes shuts wide open. I was in a bedroom but it was pitch black. I felt how the sweat was running down my cold back. This was the first time since I was a kid that I actually was cold sweating. I tried to calm my heart down as I realized that it was only a dream and Xiumin was alive wherever he was. I ran a hand through my messy hair and hoped that no one had woken up by my screams because the last thing I needed right now was someone coming in and screaming at me.

I let my eyes find the clock that was standing on the table beside my bed. 06:39am. I battled in my mind if I should try to fall asleep again but after that dream... Or I guess nightmare, I didn't want to go back to sleep. I didn't want to dream that again, it was so realistic. Dreaming about Xiumin getting killed, who would have thought that, that would be a nightmare? It had been my dream for weeks to get rid of him but all I did right now was longing for him. I just wanted him to come get me. 

I turned around in my sitting position so my feet soon connected with the cold wooden floor. I got up on my legs, feeling how they were weak and shaky. I wasn't sure if I could trust them to hold me up but yet I did my best to tiptoe to the door. I twisted the doorknob and to my surprise it opened. I recalled that I would be able to walk around the house but I thought it was some lie to calm me down.

I left the room and slowly walked towards the staircase that I remember we walked up. With quiet steps and walked downstairs, no idea where to go. I looked left and saw the closed door that leads to the room where I met Woojin yesterday so I assumed right was the way to go. I felt how my cheek was still burning from his punch from yesterday. I'm pretty sure that if I found a mirror I would see a big, dark bruise on it but I didn't want to know how ruined my face was by now. 

"Good morning." A man said as I entered the living room. I recognized the room immediately. It was the room where those men had been sitting, calling after me like I was some piece of meat.

"M-morning." I said in a weak voice. How did I get here? I was happily working, sharing an apartment with my best friend. How did I get this weak? How did I end up in this situation?

"Don't worry." The man stood up. At least he was alone but it made me even more afraid that he would try something. "I won't hurt you."

"That's what you all say." I took a small step backwards. The man cracked a smile.

"You're very brave to be up and actually wander around here. Most of the girls stay in their rooms until we force them to eat." He chuckled and I shifted uncomfortably where I stood.

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