Chapter 15

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He looked at me but I avoided meeting his gaze. I made sure to look anywhere but him and soon I found a cracked tile in the corner of the room to be the most interesting thing in the world. I heard him growl that I should follow him and slowly I start to move forward, following him out of the room.

He walked along the short corridor with the bedrooms before we reached the living room where most of the people were gathered. The boys all looked at me with amusing smiles as some repeatedly raised their eyebrows up and down in a teasing way. I guess they already knew what happened and from the conversations I've heard them having about other girls I guess they just see me as someone Xiumin managed to score.

"Are you-" Baekhyun started in a teasing tone but shut up once Kyungsoo elbowed him hard against his ribs. He groaned out of the sudden pain and rubbed his ribs while whining how unnecessary that was which only Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at him.

I bitted my lip and looked away from the boys sitting on the couch and instead look at Xiumin who where leaning one of his shoulders against the doorframe while scrolling on his phone.

"Someone wants attention." Sehun cooed, referring to me looking at Xiumin. Xiumin looked a bit confused up from his phone before he looked at me and met my eyes, then he started to chuckle as he shook his head.

"She has had enough, trust me." He grinned before looking back to his phone. "What do you want to eat?"

"PIZZA!" Chanyeol and Kai said at the same time, making my ears hurt due their loud voices.

"Agreed." Xiumin nodded to himself as his fingers start to type.

He frowns at his phone for a while and I just stand there, not sure where to go or what to do.

"Come and take a seat." Chanyeol patted the seat beside him on the couch.

I hesitated for a while, pretty much looking at Xiumin for his agreement. Once he said a quiet "just go" I did and I slowly sat down, making sure to create as big space as possible between us. Chanyeol chuckled at my sudden fear for the boy that had brought me here and I completely understood him in a way.

"She seems broken, what did you do to her?" He chuckled and poked my side, making me somehow twist and turn in a way to break the contact between his hand and my body.

He shook his head, laughing a bit louder at my sudden reaction.

"You know what I did to her. She deserved it." Xiumin replied with a shrug before he pressed his phone against his ear and left the room to order the food.

The room got completely silent once Xiumin left. It was mostly Baekhyun, Kai, Sehun, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo all staring at me while I stared down at my feet.

"Well..." Baekhyun shrugged. "What should we do tonight?"

Kyungsoo glanced at the clock that was hanging on the wall right over the door. His glance left to find Suho who just entered the room alone with his hands in his pockets.

"What?" Suho asked, confused by the sudden glance he had gotten from his friend.

"You have work to do." Kyungsoo said, leaving us all a bit confused. We had just arrived and he was already talking about work.

"Exactly what work?" Suho asked in confusion as he walked closer to Kyungsoo to hear him a bit clearer.

"Find some area where we can sell obviously, idiot. We can't just sit here and roll our thumbs all day." He rolled his eyes.

"We just got here, jesus christ. We don't have to sell today."

"Fine, be useless then." Kyungsoo spat and looked away from the boy standing in front of him.

On The Run // Xiumin [Book One]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora