Chapter 28

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(A/N: Before anyone gets confused; this is Xiumin's POV BEFORE the ending of last chapter. It's like the same time as Yeona in the last chapter but instead from his and the boys POV so you see what they were doing and shit so it might be a bit "jumpy", I hope you get me!)

Xiumin's POV

"You're very brave to come here." I said as I looked with disgust at the man in front of me.

"I think I'm safe." He looked at back, amusement could be seen all over his face.

"Why the fuck would you be safe. This is my territory." I barked back. Woojin raised his eyebrows before raising his hand and silenced me.

"We both know that around here there is no such thing as your territory. It's all mine. Beside that you can just cut the bullshit, we both know that you won't hurt me. You wouldn't take that risk." His famous smirk grew up on his lips, leaving me rather speechless since he was right.

"You know if you touch anything on her I will-" I started to threaten but he wasn't having it.

"You will what? Kill me? No. Then you'll never see her again. Never." He grinned as he looked over my shoulders where the members were standing, looking rather shocked and confused by the scene they were witnessing right now.

"I see that we got quite an audience and you for sure aint putting up the show they're expecting." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"I think both you and the members understand why I still haven't killed you." I said through gritted teeth. The hate I was feeling for him was so strong. I couldn't do anything without risking Yeona's health and safety and he knew that. He had the upper hand and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Well I'm not here to rub it in your face that I've been with your girl." He chuckled. I clenched my fists at his words. I'm not sure if I would be able to hold back my anger soon. "I'm here to negotiate."

"Negotiate?" I repeated the word in a question. "What the fuck do you want to negotiate about?"

"About your girl, of course." He replied, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"She has a name." I spat out, but I couldn't deny that I was curios about what he had to say.

"Of course she has." He patted me on the shoulder like I was a toddler. "But I simply don't care."

"Fuck off." I glared at him, removing his hand from my shoulder harshly. "What do you have to say?"

"I will bring her to the club tonight at 2:30am. Be there and we'll talk about the future of her and EXO." He said before turning around, leaving almost as quickly as he had arrived.

I followed him with my eyes, watching him get closer to a van. One of his men opened the door for him and he climbed inside the backseat and the man followed him. The door closed and just like that they were gone, almost like they never was here.

"Well, now what?" Chanyeol asked from behind me. I slammed the door shut as hard as I could, hoping that it would at least make a little of the anger leave my body. I looked at my members who were all looking at me, waiting for me to tell them some sort of plan of how tonight would go down.

"I guess we'll just go pick her up." I replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world. The others didn't seem so convinced though as they all looked at each other before looking at me again.

"Minseok, I think we should think this through." Kyungsoo took a step forward, now standing in front of the others. I rolled my eyes at him, Kyungsoo always had something to say something. Something that was completely against the plan.

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