Chapter 19

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"He didn't do anything wrong." I stood up from the bed and looked at Xiumin in panic as he entered the room.

"I didn't ask for your opinion on this." He shot me a glare as he threw his hoodie to a chair that was standing in the corner of the room.

"I'm just trying to make this fair." I tried to defend Sehun, something Xiumin clearly didn't approve.

"You're defending him now? What the hell is wrong with you?" He raised his voice and took a harsh step closer to me but stopped right after as he awaited my reply.

"I never said anything against him." I tried to sneak my way out of his statement of defending his youngest member. "I'm just trying to explain he wasn't trying to hurt me in any way, he knows I'm all yours."

Xiumin relaxed slightly at the end of my sentence. At the words "I'm all yours" to be exactly. It was almost like hearing those words coming from my lips made him relaxed and happy on the inside as all the anger disappeared from him.

~5 days later~

Xiumin's POV

"It has arrived." Junmyeon called from the hallway. Soon all of the members were gathered in the hallway and looked at the pile of different drugs that was on the floor.

"Nice." Chanyeol cooed and grabbed a package of ecstasy

"Put that down, idiot." Jongdae growled and snatched the box from Chanyeol's hands.

"I wasn't going to take it." Chanyeol defended himself with a smirk.

"That's what you said last time." Jongdae rolled his eyes. "Remember; a good dealer never take his own goods."

"Whatever." He putted his hands in pockets. 

"Let's just get going. It's already over 10pm, we have a work to do." I spoke and grabbed my backpack and shoved down the different drugs our client had ordered. 

"Chanyeol, Sehun - you come with me." I said to dumb and dumber who nodded and pulled their hoodies up over their heads.

"Remember boys; don't pull too much attention to yourself. If anyone of you get caught by the cops it's not our problem and we won't bother to get you out." Jongdae threatened as he himself pulled up his hoodie. 

"Save yourself first." I smirked as Jongdae walked out through the door, followed by Yixing and Baekhyun. 

"See you later." Baekhyun chuckled as he past us and dug his hands into the pocket of his hoodie. 

I watched Sehun and Chanyeol grab different packages, everything from cannabis to meth and threw it into their backpacks. When done they stood up and looked at me, just to confirm that they were ready to leave.

"Is everything settled?" I asked and both of them nodded.

"Let's go." Sehun smirked and walked past me. I followed him and Chanyeol was right behind me. 

The streets were dark, the sun had already made it's way down as we quietly made our way towards the city. Living slightly distant from the city was great when it came to our work, no one saw us leave or arrive and no one ever saw us when our goods got delivered to our house. 

"So what part of the city is ours?" Chanyeol asked. Sehun took up his phone, ready to get the directions to figure out what way would be the quickest and how we easily would avoid meeting people on the way that could suspect us for doing something we shouldn't. 

"We're taking south." I looked at Sehun who was already fixing with the different cordinations. "Jongdae, Yixing and Baekhyun will take north. Kyungsoo and Jongin will take east." 

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