Chapter 30

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[last chapter for the part one of Sun x Moon...]

Chapter 30

When I saw LJ/Kira wobbled and her eyes were living her sight, without second thought I run to her in such hurry and worried face. I don't like this one bit.



"MATE!!!!!" I shouted as I caught her within my arms when LJ immediately shifted back into her human form.

She was out that made my sanity burst. All of them froze from their ground when my aura touched them. Plus, every monsters lurking around the field suddenly when to us and they were growling and hissing to them and protecting us. I really don't get it but they all looked familiar to me.



"WHO ARE YOU? YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE!" Ituski shouted as she growled to them since she was in her FALLEN form but they monsters didn't flinched on her.

'We're here because you hurt her.'

"We're training her and her mate..." my mom said in her firm and guarded voice.

'Training aye? But you her hurt deeply...'

"Why do you even care?" Ayame finally asked what's running inside my mind.

It didn't answered until it shifted into his full form FALLEN. When I saw that, my eyes suddenly went wide because it was him. The beautiful black stallion who protected me at the campsite one night, I'm cooling myself.

"Colt...what are you guys doing here?" I aksed him immediately because I know he will respond on me.

'We felt your she your mate?'

I nodded then he shifted back into his human form and approached us. Never to mention, he was naked but I don't care about that. he went to us and kneeled in front of us then looked intently at LJ who was sleeping within my arms.

'She I pain because of what they said to her. She fear of losing you.'

"How can you tell what the reason of her pain?" I asked directly Colt.

'She's your mate. of course we can hear her plus you're soon to be our tamer.'

"Wha-okay, but what will happen to her now?" I asked him with such worried on LJ's condition.

'Don't worry. She's going to be sad. Just be the mate she knew well and give her what a mate should.'

I nodded while looking at LJ worryingly then Colt stood up and walked away from us.

"COLT! What do you mean 'a mate should do'?" I shouted ask him that made him looked back at me smiling then went away from the field.

'She's your mate, let you heart do the talking.'

When I heard that I smiled but my worried face was still there because my morning sun was in her limbo. I turned to glared at them especially at Itsuki that made her flinched then whimpered and immediately went back into her human form.

"How come...?!" Ayame was confused on sudden shift of her mate.

"I force her too." I hissed to them then looked lovingly to my sleeping beauty within my arms.

I actually didn't know how I managed to forced Itsuki went back into her human form without any help from her tamer itself. But right now, I don't care at all because all that matters to me was LJ, my morning sun.

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