Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

In my dreamland again, from having full darkness now it was full of random colors like it was rainbow but there was always pitched blackness lurking around like in the snapped I could turned into berserk mode but heck I care about it. Right now, I want to wake up from this random colors yet there was something in here that I been calling me.

'Come and follow my voice, listen carefully, I am with you, always Kira.'

When I heard the name of Kira it made my eyes widen and smiled in some weird thoughts suddenly floated in my mind.

"So, this is her blood..." I said while looking around my dreamland.

This was what LJ's blood can do for me. her blood gave colors to my darkest side and it gave warm feeling that I really wanted to have. Yes, I'll have it because she's with me; LJ and Kira was with me always.

"I think its time for me to wake up." I mumbled happily as I closed my eyes and let this feeling of rapture that surrounds me cradled with security that I'm longing for.


I opened my eyes and tried to looked around to where I might be. Everything seems familiar and the scent was like morning sun that made me smile from smelling that scent until I smelled there was another one but it was also familiar. It was winter melon scent that I really do know who was it. I turned my head to my right side and I found a very wide smile coming from a familiar lips, nose, eyes and face. CAS was grinning at me like an idiot would do.

"CAS...where am I?" I asked her as I tried to sit up from someone's bed that I hope it was hers.

"After you faint, Lunar took you here and she told me to watch over you while she get some food down stairs." CAS replied to me with her idiotic grin that made me smack her face to erase those malicious smiles of hers. It gave Goosebumps.

"Is this your bed?" I asked out of the blue then she shook her head that made me frowned and I only earn chuckled.

"You don't remember your mate's scent?" she teased me that made my eyes widen because from that reply, I realized that I slept at LJ bed and CAS roommate.

I blushed from that information that made CAS rolled over as she kept on laughing like a stupid person would do. She's definitely a human. I sighed as I threw her LJ's pillow and she was bull's eye. CAS supposed to threw back the pillow when LJ came in without knocking and she was holding fresh apple and tuna sandwich that made me mouth drooled and yes, I was starving not just hungry but totally, insanely hungry as my tummy began to complain when I saw the food on the tray.

"Someone was hungry." LJ teased me as she lends me the tray that made me dug in without worrying I might chock from devouring the food.

CAS and LJ were laughing on how I ate the food within just few minutes and I'm still hungry. I looked hungrily at LJ that made CAS flipped from laughing out loud.

"Seriously, cous...LJ I'm going to leave you two. I think she need more blood from you since she's not satisfied with the meal you gave." CAS teased LJ that made me blushed from the words 'not satisfied' and she was right I wasn't satisfied to the food I ate.

I want more.

When CAS left us all by ourselves, I'm not moving at all while LJ started to clean up the tray and put it at the nearest side table next to her bed. We both in silence until I noticed that she already packed her things and ready to move in at the BHD with us. I smiled from that thought but my tummy crumbled again. LJ heard that and it made her chuckled while me pouted but still embarrassed about it.

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