Chapter 5

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[there's NO EDIT at if ever you've encounter them kindly take note that I'm not in my editing mode each time i made a novel though hope you can still enjoyed them all ^^]

Chapter 5

Few minutes later, I was in my daze mode while CAS doing her non-stop story telling about her life without me at their house until I noticed Ayame smirked at us again that made me really confused on what she's planning right now. Also speaking, Kistune finally faced us to start the class of synchronization.

Kitsune was the SSS rank homeroom teacher and she was like Itsuki in some aspect. She has this intimidating aura that screaming 'I'm deadly, so stay away from me' thing then her figure was so hot in the eyes of everyone. I definitely sense how foxy she can be.

Anyway, first they do some small interaction discussion about what we've thought about Synchronization on our own perspective. Usual, everyone was quiet again but apart from me and my cousin who were really interested in the topic.

"Yes, Ms Sanford?" Kitsune called for CAS as she raised her hand to answer.

"Ahm, I think synchronization was about being sync to someone whether they're tamer to tamer, tamer to beast or beast to beast." CAS answered clearly what goes within her mind that made me feel proud of her.

"And what about you Ms Cross?" Ayame asked me as she kept smirking at me that really made me groaned.

I sighed.

"With synchronization you can tell what your partners' thinking like they were having a link or having telepathy about something in certain situations." I answered while Ayame smirk turned into something malicious.

I noticed Kistune smiled at it but not to my answer but to what Ayame's thinking that made me immediately stood my ground and let my vampire aura shown. I know everyone noticed it but I don't care. I was frowning and focusing my death glared at Ayame. she was indeed testing me and she just chuckled devilishly. I was really getting into it and I'm losing to her. I was about to attacked her until I felt CAS hand holding my wrist that made me come back to my senses.

I immediately calmed down but my aura was still there, on guard. Kitsune looked to CAS gripped onto mine as she smirked like Ayame. Kitsune was challenging my cousin's ability to control but that's not the thing of CAS.

"This is not good, CAS." I linked to her.

Of course I could do that to her, we've been practising meditation together that made our witchy thing link in some ways and I can because we've already have the bond, so we can sync like a piece of cake.

"I know, Ms Kitsune was always like this when she saw something interesting." CAS linked back to me while our gaze fixed on them.

I know everyone felt the tension rising within the four of us, so everyone made their asses moved somewhere safe within the room. But hearing CAS said that about Kitsune, I think I know what to do. I hanged my freehand on the side then exactly bleeds when Kitsune followed my hand motion.


My trap already began. I know CAS won't let me used it but facing the most tricky beast and great tamer, well, I must indeed use it.


LJ growled because of me bleeding. Nice.

LJ stood up behind me as she growled to the teachers in front of us. Kitsune was indeed surprised on my sudden call but Ayame seem so please about it. She knew that LJ's wolf Kira was my first tamed beast. Anyway, my arms kept bleeding until CAS stood up and healed my wound. Kitsune and Ayame loved the scene that was happening now that made me wondered why they're not moving. I looked carefully at them then I walked from my seat then went to the aisle but not close enough to reach our professors. They smirked wasn't leaving their faces that made me sighed.

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