Chapter 13

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[Another three chapters updates...]

Chapter 13

As we stayed at the school ground for a short noticed camping for Lyric, I noticed it again but this time, I can't shake the feeling of knowing it. It was seriously calling me to the point of making me the pain for not responding to it.


"What's wrong?!" LJ and Lyric asked me in chorus that made smiled weakly at them for worrying like I was the only people inside the room.

"Something was calling me...I can't shake the voice inside my thoughts...sorry for making you worry." I apologized to them then Ayame touched my forehead then smiled at me.

I was confused on that smile of hers like she was telling I'm going to meet something like death – I mean something more close to what I am; vampire.

I nodded at her then I stood up and I start to wobbled toward the door. I was having weak knees right now, but I have to go there until I leaned at the door and some cold wind brushed to my bare skin – my hands then I shivered. I gasped then looked at them and they were holding worried looked apart from Ayame and Itsuki.

"Stay here with LJ at all the time while I'm dealing some beasts inside." I said while smiling at Lyric as I pointed myself when I said 'inside'.

She just nodded and LJ pulled her closer to her then I left without looking back at them.

On my way, I kept hearing those malicious voice but in my heart it was pleading to be out in some trap within the school grounds. I run as fast as I could with my vampiric speed even though to myself, I really don't know where to go but my body and my feet does. I kept my guard up while I'm on my search and every turn that I made, every corridor were same until in one corner where I slipped – clumsy for not noticing how wet the floor could be at this late.

Wait, wet floor around 11? I looked around again as I stood up. The look of the corridor in my eyes was narrowing and the heavy feeling of something on my shoulders was too much to handle. I fell onto my knees again but I can't stopped right here. I tried to stood up but I kept been pulled down like there was some kind of glue on the cemented stone cold floor.


I lifted myself with my strength as a vampire then rashly went toward the huge and old oak door. When I was in front of it, the feeling from the corridor suddenly went back to what it used to be, normal. I faced the door with panting from that heavy feeling and now, I must face the deadly malice lurking behind this door.

I gathered my confidence and curiosity got best out of me then I twisted the knob and pushed the door with such strength I must put in just to open it. As I pushed the door opened, a strong whirlwind was been released like it was pushing me to back off from entering it but not this time I'm here. I opened the door widely then I was caught off guard when something pulled me inside then slammed me hard to the other side of the stone cold wall.

Sesh! Good thing I'm a vampire not some just mere human to begin with though I'm partly human too.

Anyway, I tried to stand up and when I did, everything was so dark apart from the one lighted candle. I closed my eyes and let my senses on heighten then as I opened my eyes I saw everything in bloody gore. I gasped from the shuttered body that been thrown and hanging piece by piece at the wall some parts are scattered at the floor. The floor was in the river of blood and I'm standing on it.

Bloody gore, chaotic one and creepy until I smelled rotten scent within the room but locating where that rotten scent came from, I suddenly felt the huge pang within my head.

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