Chapter 20

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[OHH i remember now...WARNING for MATURED content here: making love/sex or whatever they called it]

Chapter 20

Lunarian Jane Wolfang [LJ]

After I howled in pain, I fainted immediately next to lifeless Elaine. Deep within my slumber, my dream was really clear as the night sky where full moon was the only light on my path. I walked endlessly within and as deeply I walked toward where the moonlight shines brightly, I felt the warm breezed on the thin air floating around the area. As I moved closer to the light, there I found a huge silver white wolf with ruby-amethyst eyes that so deep and clear like it was mysteriously sparkled under the moonlit glows but that's not all, Kira has this white moon crest on its forehead near to its eyes that unexpectedly I reached and touch it. When I touched it, its eyes suddenly engraved into mine like the first time we've met and again, we felt connected.

"Mark her before things got out of hand again, Lunarian." Kira said through my mind that made nodded but I don't want to force something onto Elaine because knowing her, she doesn't want to be influenced by the 'mate' thing.

"One bite, can change lot of things, Lunarian. You need to make love with her and I know you wanted too." She told me that made me closed my eyes out of embarrassment while I'm blushing to Kira statement.


I woke up from quick conversation between me and my wolf Kira within me. I knew she wanted to be with her mate as well as I am to Elaine but I want Elaine to want me before going any further. I took a deep breath then looked back at Elaine who was still like a corpse. I was indeed worried about her condition but what else I could do, she need time to rest. She over used her energy but protecting us. I know she's strong but not that strong especially when it comes to something.

"Elaine...tell me, what should I do to confirm your feelings for me? tell me what to do because I really do love you..." I said as my tears began to fell out from my eyes down to my cheeks to hers.

I don't know what's gone into me but the feelings within me were building up and I want to expressed them to Elaine but I can't because I don't even no or even have any clue if she ever felt the same thing not because of the strong pull of the 'mate' thing that binding us together.

"Hm, wanting to express something to a certain person who you didn't even know where her real feelings for you lies...its hard, Lunarian but are you willing to take chances for Elaine?" Kira seriously said to me as she emphasized the words 'take chances' that made me speechless and thought about it.

I sighed and smiled weakly to the lecture of my wolf Kira toward my mixed up uneasiness building within me.

Elaine Cross

I collapsed again and I can tell that I'm inside of my bedroom with LJ. I can feel her presence next to me but there was something that I'm sensing from her like she was struggling from something inside of her; her feelings to be exact. I kept watching her and there I got the feeling that she's talking deep within her; she was indeed talking someone else within her and that's her wolf named Kira.

I actually wanted to soothed whatever she's feeling right now but I can't because I'm too weak to wake up or even to move my whole body. I took a deep breath and let the darkness consumed me once again but this time it wasn't dark or anything gloomy but instead it was pleasing night sky. Typical night hours but within my dreams it immediately turned into some smoky and cloud scene but it wasn't heavy or even life threatening instead it was calmed one and there I saw LJ in her nakedness glory plus I also saw a tribal tattoo of a sun under her jawline like where I always bite her. I trialed her sun tattoo down to the claws tattoo on her neck down to her shoulder. I was in awe seeing how beautiful her tattoo then the scene changed drastically and I saw myself making love with her like an animation because it was frame by frame. I was shocked but my lips curves into smile because I was thinking of doing it with her from sometimes.

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