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Dominic pov

They say the more you try to forget something, the more it flashes in front of your eyes. But I wonder if I will ever be able to even forget because some things stick with you like your own shadow.

Sitting on the large leather chair, I gazed over the wind blowing and the fire burning over the hearth .My eyes watched the flame burning as if the fire is burning inside my eyes instead of the hearth.

"The King of Darkness but his rage bursts like a wild fire", whenever someone asked about me the people in my territory described me as a ' burning flame'  but the irony was  they dont know i was burning literally in my own rage and in my own pain. They just know me for my terror that I have created in their minds and it makes me fill with pride that they fear. And this is the only thing I expect from them , to fear me, so they won't ever betray me. 


The frequent sound of falling water echoed in my quiet room.The rain had started since morning and was drizzling  continously,drenching the landscape in different shades..

Rains are the only thing that make me remind of my downfall. The pouring water gives away a realization that how much heated the fire may be , but it will always be cooled of by water. The grey clouds make me feel how alone I am, the cold breeze hits my face with an unkown lonliness, the greenery and the chirping if birds, the music of peacocks makes me fall into a deep thought, where i find myself lost with an un ending longing.

I am the King, I am the Emperor and I am the Provider for these people, I am the Saviour and I am the Creator. Its me who rules the world and I will be the Destructor alone..

Everyone and everything who is able to breathe lives under my mercy and those who disobeys me beg for their life, and it makes me happy and proud of myself  that I am the strongest of all and no one can destroy me. I tend to keep things this way so that no one ever comes near me and hurt me. I refuse to let my feelings be known and i accept the thoughts what they have for me.
'A ruthless king, with no heart'

Why wont i want people to fear me. There always lies a reason for everything that happens and as of my doings are concerned i have my own damn reasons..

I have no one in my life, who loves me or cares for me, neither no one carries that much importance to me that I'll be affected by their absence. Who needs love anyways, those who need love and care are considered weak and I refuse to be called a weak bastard. I have done the mistake of loving earlier and I cannot afford to put my kingdom in jeapordy once again. " An animal like me is just made for destruction and hate, no one can ever love a monster like me, and that's why I don't have my mate yet, I deserve to be aloneMy own people talk about me like that and why wouldn't they after all what good I have done. nothing if i remember.  And if ever I happen to find my soulmate I wouldnt let her enter my dark life, i wouldn't want anyone to be a part of my hell.

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