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Amelia pov

I was never the clumsy one, I always liked keeping my things safe and proper but i don't understand how just because of stupid incident I lost my precious necklace. Of course i had many but this one was close to my heart and when I informed mom about it she was sad too. She knew how much it meant to me. She comforted me saying we would get another one but replacement won't create the bond i had with that necklace.
I think that was supposed to happen I should try letting it go if its meant to return i would get it back any way.

I have a tour the other day so its best I try to lift my mood uptill then otherwise we all know how Tracy can be. But i don't have a great feeling  about this tour either. After i lost my necklace I cannot trust any situation anything can happen and I think I'm not ready to bare another loss.


The next Morning

I could hear the birds chirping from the outside and the small branch of the tree rubbing on the window near my bed  because of the continuous breeze outside. I was still yet to open my eyes. I was not a morning person for sure. I turned to my left side to get a better position so that i could sleep again but the aroma of my favourite coffee hit my senses hard and i knew who might have bought it. I slowly blinked and opened my eyes  to see mom putting the breakfast tray on my bed side table.

"Good morning baby girl, rise and shine"

I still didn't feel like getting up and just stared at my ceiling

"Its your tour tomorrow andtgere still a lot of packing left  you don't want to get there empty handed now. Do you?"

Mom tried to move me again.

"Urghh, mom i don't feel like getting up, can i cancel this whole thing"

"Heeheh no can do honey and besides it will refresh your mind a little bit, and i made your favourite pancakes , so get up now come on".

"Nice trick mom, but you need to work on your bribing techniques a little more"

I got up from my bed and rushed into tge batroom for my morning routine. If it wasnt for pancakes i would have probably slept more but my growling tummy made me realise how much hungry i was.


In evening 5:00 pm
I was sitting on the couch and reading my favourite fashion Magazine,need to update my fashion sense. Suddenly the house phone rang. I scrunched my head in confusion of who might that be , because it was only a few of them who had this number. I rushed towards it just before the last ring.

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