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Dominic's pov

After having that hideous argument with Max I thought i would just go into my room and sleep it off but i wasn't able to his words from my mind. I know whatever shit he said was all true but he should know things wont change for me.

The sound of children playing and their laughter echoed in my ears. Their voice was always like a melody for me. I was standing at the entrance of the garden where they were all busy playing running here and there. Some of the parents were chasing after their children and enjoying a good family time. I was watching evey thing from a far end so that no one realises my presence.

Suddenly there was a tug on my jeans, I turned my head to see what was it bothering me but then i saw a little girl watching me with her adorable eyes. Asking me to lift her up with her arms wide open. I stood there and started looking everywhere but her. How can she want me to pick her up. Not wanting to be there anymore i decided to leave but as soon as i turned I  heard her cry and suddenly I became the centre of attention. Each and every eye present in the garden was looking at me and as a que everyone bowed down in respect. From the corner of my eye i could see a women nearing where the girl was crying. I guess she was her mother. She picked the girl in her arms and apologised for her daughter's behaviour. She didn't dare to look me in the eye. Of course she was afraid of me.

I just nodded my head and moved towards my Stable where i kept all types of horses. I just liked having a collection of different species. I had the Cuban coriollo , Fa labella, Ponytail and many more .

But these were used when i had to take part in race held in the city far away from the forest. People in the city knew me  as "Jorden Baldwin" one of the richest and eliglbe bachelor. CEO of the Baldwin Corporation, second in the top ten list of billionaires. Businessmen from all over the world wanted to invest in my company and for the Women they desired me and dreamt of me in their bed. I could get anything just with the snap of my fingers. So why not use the power. Of course i got laid whenever i wanted. They never refused me. Everything in the business world was give and take , i never paid respect of these type of women they were just a piece of trash in my eyes. No one in the city knew about my dual personality. It was only in the forset or shall i quote "my forest" that people knew the real me. I am the ruler of the werewolf kingdom. And they know me only by my real identity not by my face that is 'Dominic Vincent".

It was only me who had the power of making and breaking together .

I was cut short of my thoughts when a man stood in front of me panting , i stood there still giving him time to breathe.

I noded my head for him to continue.

"A situation has taken place in the forest'

'What situation are you talking about?'

Keeping his gaze down he said
"My king, our Omega is in a very bad state"

"What? Where is he"

"He- he is being treated in the pack hospital "

Without any further discussion he stomped towards the hospital and went straight to the room where his Omega was admitted.

There he was laying on the bed attached with wires on his body. A low beep could be heard from the ventilating machine ,  sign of him being alive. The doctor arrived and bowed to the king.

"Good evening Alpha, you might want yo know his condition, so without any delay I'll proceed,  he was brought here a few hours ago and was all bruised and bloody,  after enquiring it was reported by some of your soldiers that he was attacked while training in the forest.

Dominic stared at his unconscious Omega and nodded

"We are werewolves he should have been healed hours ago"

"I agree Alpha but the weapon used on him had wolfs bane on it" the doctor reveled looking at the ground.

"He was in a crucial condition when they bought him here but-"

"But what?" King's temper  was rising with every information he got

"But n- now he is in a good condition "

Dominic didn't say anything rather just nodded and left.

In the evening

Later in the evening an immediate meeting was called for discussing something important. Everyone was present in the conference room anxious and nervous to find out what the meeting might conclude.
As soon as footsteps were heard in the hallway the whole croud went silent and everyone stood straight in his honor.The aura in the conference room changed from nervous to tense and fearful . He entered with his head held high with authority  and great power. He examined each and every person present in the room who had their head bowed down in respect . He reached towards the end and sat on the chair that was placed in the centre surrounding other chairs.

"As you all know this meeting  was an immediate call and curiosity is evident on everyone's face right now. "

Dominic once again stared and this time everyone was having an eye contact with him . He continued to speak.

"Our Omega was attacked today in the forest."

As soon as the words left everyone's jaw dropped in shock and pure disbelief. This was a shocking news because for the first time in history their Omega was defeated. But one thing was sure whoever had done this had a very short life span now  because they were definitely paying the prize.

"I want all of you to find those filthy rouges because I am sure they were behind this attack and if you fail to find them I think you all are well aware of the consequences. So I don't need to repeat myself.

"And one more thing, Make an announcement in the city that we are organising a Masquerade ball tomorrow" and  he pauses for a second watching everyone's reaction and speaks again " the person behind these attacks will definitely come to this ball, they won't leave such an opportunity of entering our territory without any difficulty.
Now Disperse."
With one nod towards Max he ended the meeting and rushed out of the room leaving everyone shocked again.


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