Part 38

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Anna: NAT!? We're gonna be late for the party!

Nat: Don't worry we'll be fine.

Anna: I'll get the gifts but you need to get the kids.

I grabbed the two perfectly wrapped gifts from the counter and sat in the passengers seat of the car whilst Nat got the twins. We all sat in the car and drove off to Eliz and Sam's house. It was Anna and Ethan's fifth birthday party. Wow. Just thinking that five years have past since Eliz and Sam had their twins amazes me. Even thinking that our kids are four and a half really shocks me.

It wasn't a long drive so we got there before anyone else (that was the plan)

They really went over the top for this party. A bouncy castle, a slide, a clown. It was a paradise for all kids.

We rang the door bell of the main entrance and were welcomed by Eliz, Sam and the twins.

Eliz: ANNA! Omg I'm so happy you came. Come in.

We all walked into their beautiful house and whilst the kids went off together and both Nat and Sam went to get some bears, Eliz and I went in the kitchen to prepare anything that wasn't ready.

I helped her set the tables with really cute and playful plastic plates and utensils. Blue for the boys and pink for the girls.

The party started at 11am so we had half an hour before the guests would arrive. In that time, we sat down and just talked. No matter what craziness had been going on in our lives, Eliz and I never lost touch. Not even when me, Nat and the twins temporarily moved to Hollywood for this movie Me and Nat were in. She was truly the best friend I could ever ask for. Really. She's been with me through my ups and downs but still managed to be my best friend. My sister.

These past five years have been hectic. First I had the kids, then we went to Hollywood for 7 months, and then. Well. I won an academy award. Or better known as an Oscar. Technically, Nat and I both won for our movie 'A New Hope'. Not only that, Eliz went on tour with Sam and after that she got inspired to make a YouTube channel too. She did. Now she's got her own tour coming up in a month.

Wow. And to think. So many things have happened but we're both till 25 years old. Wow.


The candles were blown out and all the kids were now ready for cake.

I could see Sam and Eliz at the corner of my eye. He kissed her and she whispered in his ear. Who knows. Maybe in five years we'll be celebrating the fifth birthday of a new Pottorff. When she looked over at me, I winked at her, letting her know that I knew what they were up too and she blushed out of embarrassment.

The day ended. All the kids were practically asleep by the tmr they were put in the car. I helped Eliz clear everything up and before I left I whispered in her ear.

Anna: Unless you want another pair of twins, this time be careful.

We both laughed as the kids stared at us in confusion.

I hugged Eliz but when I turned to get the kids, I saw Sean kissing Anna on the cheek. We all awed at the sight, making them both blush.

Eliz: Young love.

She whispered enough for us to hear it.

Young love.

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