Part 30

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WE WERE FINALLY MARRIED!! I was so happy. Everything for once was perfect. Eliz and Sam were happy and so were me and Nat. We didn't want to go on our honeymoon straight after the wedding so we said we would wait another month or so.

I went over to Eliz's house to help her out with the kids because Sam was filming with Kian. As soon as I arrived, I burst into the house and grabbed hold of Anna. They were both just so cute. Of course I hugged Eliz and she started feeding Ethan.

Eliz: So, ya doing anything interesting today?

Anna: Nah, not really. I actually have some news for youuuu.

Eliz: Oh my god what?

Anna: Well.... You know how I kinda got married a few days ago.

Eliz: Yea

Anna: Well Nat and I have been trying to have a baby.

Eliz: Wow that's great! Anna and Ethan can have someone to play with. So, are you pregnant?

Anna: I don't know... I'm going to the doctors today for a check up! Fingers crossed!

Eliz: Can I come with you?

Anna: Yes pleaseeee. Nat cont come because of an interview.

Time past faster than usual and before I knew it, we were in the car driving to the hospital. I hadn't seen any signs of pregnancy but I wasn't gonna give up. I was so eager to have kids.

We arrived at the doctors. As my heart beat out of my chest, we walked through the large doors and sat down in the waiting area.

I vividly remember how nervous and anxious I was. My right foot kept on tapping on the floor as if it was a ticking time bomb.

Eliz: Are you nervous?

Anna: Why? Can you tell?

Eliz: Maybe just a little.

I sighed.

Eliz: Look, I'm sure very thing will be fine. If you're meant to have a baby now then you will.

Anna: Yea... You're right.

Eliz: As always!

We both laughed until we saw the doctor step out of his office and ask for his next appointment. It was out turn.

We got up and walked into his office and without hesitation, I lay down and lifted my shirt a bit.

He walked towards me and put some gel onto my tummy. He started checking to see if I was pregnant and that's when I got really nervous. There was silence. Literal silence. I couldn't even hear any birds or even my heart beat.

He rubbed the gel off of my tummy and proceeded to tell me the news.

Doctor: Mrs. Wolff. I'm afraid I can't see anything but there is a chance that because you're now even in you first trimester, that that's why the baby cannot be seen.

I was disappointed.

Doctor: I'll need you to pee in the cup for me to examine it to see if you're pregnant.

Anna: Thank you.

I grabbed the cup and ran into the bathroom. I didn't even need to pee but I didn't care. I needed to know if I was pregnant of not. I tried and tried and finally managed to pee in the cup. I quickly rushed back out and gave it to the doctor.

Doctor: thank you, I will contact you in a day or so with the results.

Anna: Thank you, have a nice day.

We left and although a part of me gave up, another part of me way thinking of names for mu baby.

We drove back and I told Nat what happened. I just have to wait a day or two and hopefully I'll get the results I want. Hopefully.

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