Part 19

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I woke up in a strange room, with a white sheet over my face and body. After 5 seconds of having my eyes open, the pain kicked in. Not just the physical; but the emotional too. I looked to my right and left. There was no one there. I was alone. I guess I wasn't important enough for anyone to care about. I pressed the button next to my bed for the nurse to come in. She rushed into the room and when she saw I was awake she almost screamed. She ran outside the room. I didn't remember anything other than having my heart broken. I couldn't remember how I got here or what happened to me. All I knew is that the pain I felt, was unbearable.

The nurse came back in but this time with a doctor.

Anna: What's going on? What happened?

Doctor: No, no, no. How is this possible.

Anna: What? What's going on?

Doctor: We, we thought you died.

At that moment I froze. What did he mean? I wasn't dead. I was so confused. That must be why they covered me with a white sheet.

Doctor: We were supposed to take you out of the hospital today because you were dead.

I looked at him with a confused look on my face.

Doctor: Anna. You were dead. You had no heartbeat.

Anna: How?

Doctor: You got hit really badly by a car. The car hit your side, shattered your right ribs and you flew all the way over the car landing on your head. We rushed you here and had immediate surgery. We stitched up your head and fixed up your ribs as much as we could. Something went wrong in the surgery while we were fixing your ribs. You side tore open and you stopped breathing because a lot of fluids went straight to your lungs. Your heartbeat stopped.

Wow. I could t believe it. I would never have guessed that. It didn't feel like I had died or anything.

The doctor ran out of the room. I'm guessing to call my parents and Eliz. I lifted my hospital gown up a little to see my right side. I had stitches running all the way to my back. It was so swollen and it hurt like hell. I proceeded to rest because I was way too tired to do anything.

I woke up about an hour or two later with Eliz by my side. I blinked my eyes at her.

Anna: Eliz?

I mumbled.

Eliz: Anna! Oh my god you have no idea how happy I am too see you... Well... Alive.

Anna: The doctor told me what happened. I still can't believe it.

Eliz: Don't think about it. What happened, happened. The good thing is that you're gonna be ok.

We heard a knock on the door. Eliz walked to it and opened it. I heard a few whispers but I couldn't see who it was because Eliz's back was blocking the door. She closed the door, walked to me, hugged and kissed me and told me that she'll wait outside for a little. She opened the door and then someone else came in. It was Nat. The sight of him made me want to cry. I missed him but I wasn't gonna forgive him for what he did. He betray me.

Nat: Can I sit?

Anna: Well I can't exactly stop you now can I?

He took a seat next to me and I sat up a little to improve my posture.

Nat: Anna I'm...

Anna: Sorry? Yea. Of course you are. But that doesn't change the fact that you kissed Selena.

Nat: You don't understand..

Anna: I DON'T UNDERSTAND?! No Nat! I do. You couldn't keep your hands off her now could you!

Nat: That's not what happened. Please let me explain.

Anna: Why? So you can tell me some pathetic lie about why you kissed her?

I started to cry a little. But I couldn't hold it in anymore. I needed to let it out.

Anna: And then what. You would tell me how beautiful and amazing I am and how much you love me so that I can take you back. Well guess what. I'm not taking anymore shit. Whether it's from you, from that whore or from anybody.

Nat: I see. Okay. Well. I hope you get better soon. And. I do. Love. You.

I looked away because I didn't want him to look at me like this.

He walked out of the room and I could hear whispering again. Eliz walked back in the room and hugged me.

Eliz: Anna. What happened with Nat?

Anna: Didn't he tell you.

Eliz: No. He told me the real story. I don't know what you saw.

I couldn't believe she was taking his side. I though she would back me up no matter what.

Anna: He cheated on me. He kissed Selena. Not just in the movie scene. They kissed on his dressing room.

Eliz: Anna. That's not the case.

Anna. Yes it is. Selena showed me a video of them kissing. I saw it Eliz.

Eliz: No Anna. That's what you think. That's what I thought too. It turns out that the story is completely different. He managed to get a hold of the security tape. He showed me proof.

Anna: Oh yea? Then what really happened.

Eliz: Well, in the tape it was him, packing up him stuff when Selena walked in his room, she tried seducing him. In the tape, she told him that she s better than you and that he should be with her and not you. She tried kissing him but he pushed her away. Literally pushed her. She got up, ran in front of him, grabbed him and kissed him. He immediately backed away and got so pissed. He didn't do anything. He even told Selena that he loves you and he want to spend the rest of his life with you.

I just froze. I told Eliz to help me get up but she refused. I then demanded and she helped me. I got up and even though the pain was so bad and unbearable, I was doing this for him. My one true love. I opened the door and ran to the elevator. I quickly went a floor down and saw Nat right were the exit was. We were parallel to each other. I shouted at him.


He turned around with such a joyous face. I ran to him and he ran to me. We kissed. It was amazing. I could finally feel my heart beating again. I loved him. He was the one.

Anna: I'm so so so sorry. Please forgive me for my stupidness.

Nat: It okay. I'm sorry too. I don't have feeling for her. You're the only person I love. You're my one and only world. My soulmate.

We kissed again. I love him. I really do. Everything was better with him. I need him. And he was mine.

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