Part 14

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I have a week before filming started. Nat and I decided to spend our week together in London. Going out, having fun. You know. Doing what all cute couples do.

We went to the London Eye. It was so beautiful. We could see the whole city. As if we were the king and queen of the world. I felt like we were unstoppable. The only two people on this world. When I'm with him I feel like time stops. Every time I'm in his arms all I fear is oblivion. I feel so safe. Everything becomes 1000 times better. I love him.

Our week off sadly was over but the fun had barely begun. I still couldn't believe the fact that I was in a movie. An actual movie. I learnt my lines and I was ready for my first day on set. I was playing the female main character. Nat was playing the male main character. The storyline was that we were best friends in high school but when we graduated we lost touch. We're now in university and we see each other somewhere. We become really good friends again until he falls in love with me. I have no idea that he's in love with me until the end of the movie where he tells me. It's so romantic and the best part is that I do actually love him. It'll just make it easier when we're acting.

Nat and I got on set at 9am and as we were walking in. Terror struck me. I felt like a thousand needles had been pressed into me. In front of me was Selena Gomez. Most people would say: Anna, why are u frightened at the sight of Selena Gomez? Well the answer to that question is I'm not sure. I mean. Yea. Nat and her dos a movie together where he had a huge crush on her and all that but nothing actually happened off the set. The reason I was so scared is because apparently Selena was flirting with him and trying to get together with him. I mean. If she still wants to go out with him then I have no chance. Look at her and look at me. She's gorgeous and I'm not. I'm still shocked at the fact that Nat is my boyfriend. Anyway, she was walking towards us and I was petrified.

Selena: NAT!! Oh My God it's been too long!

Nat: Selena! Wow. Yea it has. Wha-What are you doing here.

Selena: Well I heard that the actress that plays the main role quit so I came to see if the role was still available. Sadly it wasn't but I still got another smaller part in the movie.
So are you gonna introduce me to whoever this is?

Nat: Oh right. That would be my girlfriend. Anna.

Selena:  Girlfriend? Hmm.

Anna: Hi, nice to meet you.

Selena: Yea, you too. So Nat. Did you hear the good news.

Nat: What good news?

Selena: I'm playing your girlfriend in the movie.

Nat: You are..?

Selena: I am. You know, the girl you're dating before you get in touch with your old best friend.

Nat: Oh. Yea. Hmm.

Selena: By the way, do you know who is playing the female main character?

Anna: Actually, I am.

Selena: Really? I haven't seen you in any movies.

Anna: Yea this is my first one.

Selena: Hmm. Ok then. I need to go, I have an appointment but I will see you, later.

She walked away and my head started spinning. We filmed one of the scenes in the middle when we go to England together. It was so cool. Every time we had a scene together and I looked into his eyes, it's like I fell I love with him all over again.  At the end of the day we drove back to the hotel and cuddled on the couch. Tomorrow we were going back to California but instead of having a crazy last night out, we cuddled and kissed and overall had the most romantic night ever.
I love him.

After all, I fell in love the way you fall asleep. Slowly and then all at once.

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