Part 11

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These past few days haven't been easy. Nat is on business trip so we've been texting and Skyping for the past month. I'm scared. This past week he hasn't been returning my calls or texts. I think he might not be interested in me anymore. I immediately texted Eliz for advice.

To Eliz ❤️ :
Come over ASAP!

From Eliz ❤️ :

Once I heard the door bell, I rushed to the door to open it.

Eliz: Gurlll WHAT is the emergency!?!?

Anna: You know how Nat is filming that new movie in London?

Eliz: Yeaaaaa....

Anna: Well, he hasn't been returning my calls and texts. I think he's moving on to someone else.. Maybe??

Eliz: I GOT IT!

Anna: What?

Eliz: You and I... and Sam... Are Going TO LONDON!

Anna: What! Are you crazy!

Eliz: Maybe just a little.

Anna: Ok let's do this.

We booked the first flight out to London. We informed Sam (whom was very confused, yet very excited) and we started packing. Our flight was at 7am the next morning  which meant we had to wake up at 5am. I stayed over at Eliz and Sam's house so that we could all leave at the same time.
The next morning finally came. We woke up at 5 and we left at 5:30. We arrived at the airport at around 6:15. We bought some snacks for the flight (vegan of course) and off we went to London. It was a 10 and a half hour flight which let us all exhausted but it was worth it. I had been to London before since half of my family lives in England, but it's been years since the last time I came. Since there is a huge time difference, we headed straight to our hotel and called it a night.
I pictured the next day being so perfect. Going to Nat's set and surprising him. I wanted it to be the best, most romantic thing ever.

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