Part 20

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It was finally the day that I could leave the hospital. I did a lot of physiotherapy to help my get some exercise. Thank god I felt so much better. My ribs were almost completely healed and the stitches were finally starting to fade away. Thank god during the period that I was in the hospital, I didn't have to film much for the movie. I would start filming in 3 days. That would give me some time to relearn some of my lines and practice a little.

Nat came to pick me up from the hospital. We said goodbye and thanked the nurses and doctors that helped me get through this tough period, and off we went. At first I though he would take me home and all that but he didn't. He took me to this gorgeous mountain and we sat there for a while, cuddling and talking about the future. We had a small picnic up there. It was so romantic. He made me feel so special and loved.

We drove back home where Eliz and Sam were waiting. She hugged me in relief that I recovered well. Eliz and I prepared a dinner and we all are together. I loved having these double dates with them because we all seemed to have so much fun.


IT WAS CHRISTMAS!! Finally December came! Eliz was now 4 months pregnant and even though now she had a belly, she look amazing.

It was me and Nat's 6 month anniversary. We met on the 25th of June which means that our anniversary is on the 25th of December. It's hard to believe that it's only been 6 months. To me it feels like I've known him my whole life. He told me that he has this huge surprise for me. I didn't want him to get me something huge but I knew that he would. So instead of arguing about it, I did the same. I got him the biggest thing I could think of, and may I just add that it cost me almost all of my savings.

It was one day until Christmas. Sam and Eliz invited us over to their house for a family dinner. Sam's mum, dad and siblings were there as well as Eliz's parents, her brother and his girlfriend. I was excited to see Andrea again. They got back together. I no longer hated Kian. He seems to have matured a bit more.

Nat and I got ready together.

Anna: Nat, I'm gonna go have a shower.

Nat: Okay, can I come.

Anna: Maybe another time but not tonight.

I said teasing him. I helped him pick out an outfit and then I picked out mine. I wore a red right dress that had a sweetheart neckline. I paired it with some black heals and a gold smokey eye as well as red matte lips.

Nat: You look gorgeous as always.

Anna: Thanks. You look handsome as always.

I said while giving him a wink. He tried kissing me but I pulled back.

Anna: I don't wanna get lipstick all over you. But don't worry maybe tonight when we exchange anniversary gifts.

We left for Eliz and Sam's house. They decorated it so perfectly. They had some Christmas music playing and to be honest, it didn't look anything like their house usually is.

Even though Nat doesn't celebrate Christmas because he's Jewish, he didn't mind coming. What he didn't know is that I told Eliz about it and she looked up some traditions that they do this time of year. He was so happy to see that we though of him. In fact, I actually invited his parents too as another surprise. I loved his parents. They were some of the nicest, kindest people I've ever met. We all celebrated together and over all had a great time.

At the end of the night, we went home to exchange gifts.

Nat: I'll go first.

He gave me this huge box with a bow tied around it. I opened it and almost cried at the sight of this. I loved it so much. It was a portrait of us together and it wrote: I'm forever yours till the day I die.

I hugged him and gave him a huge kiss. It was the best, most thoughtful gift I have ever received. I looked into the box and there was more. There was another smaller box inside. I opened that and found a gold necklace with: 'You're my once apon a time' engraved on the back. I loved it.

It was my turn now.

I have him the box and he opened it. I was so nervous. I really wanted him to like it. Inside the box was 1) and album with all of the photos we've ever taken together. 2) a CD with a video that I made of us two. 3) a song that I wrote for him and 4) a star. Yes literally I bought a star for him. I called it 'We are infinite'

He seemed to live the gifts. We cuddled and fell asleep on the couch without even noticing. I never wanted to leave his side. He's mine and I'm his.

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